inside lane

inside lane

(Athletics (Track & Field)) athletics the inside, and therefore the shortest, route around a circular or oval multi-lane running track
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014

inside lane

n (Brit) → corsia di sinistra (Am) (Europe) → corsia di destra
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995
References in periodicals archive ?
Council highways experts said people were "hogging" the inside lane. It is thought a large amount of motorists heading for the Halifax Road exit are using the inside lane, making the queue far longer for people turning left into Springwood or the A640 towards the M62 westbound.
PC Macdonald said these showed how Williams was in the outside lane travelling at a speed calculated to be between 46-57mph when he tried to "flatten a curve in the road" - commonly known as cutting a corner - and in doing so wandered into the inside lane.
I admit that now I am retired I don't do anything near the amount of driving I used to do but if I am driving on a motorway, experience has taught me to stay in the inside lane for as long as possible because I know that should there be a problem with my car or with someone ahead of me that calls for emergency action, the hard shoulder is right next to me and I don't have to cross in front of anyone and possibly cause an accident to get there.
"Middle lane hogging is when vehicles remain in the middle lane longer than necessary, even when there aren't any vehicles in the inside lane to overtake."
LESS than a quarter of UK drivers stick to the inside lane of a motorway, it has been revealed.
Researchers analysed more than 70 hours of footage across major UK motorways and found that, on average, just 23 per cent of traffic drives in the inside lane.
The crane suffered a breakdown on the A1 northbound just after the Westerhope exit, blocking the inside lane for more than two hours yesterday morning.
A two-vehicle crash involving a car and a motorbike blocked the inside lane at Wolviston from 6.55am.
The Ranger was travelling in the inside lane when for some reason it appears to have veered across the carriageway and collided with the central reservation and collided with the of the truck.
The inside lane was closed as a precaution and drivers were urged to slow down but the man had left the M8 by the time police arrived.