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Related to incorrectness: inaccuracy, wrongness


1. Not correct; erroneous or wrong: an incorrect answer.
2. Defective; faulty: incorrect programming of the computer.
3. Improper; inappropriate: incorrect behavior.

in′cor·rect′ly adv.
in′cor·rect′ness n.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.incorrectness - lack of conformity to social expectations
improperness, impropriety - an improper demeanor
political incorrectness - the use of expressions or actions that can be perceived to exclude or marginalize or insult groups who are socially disadvantaged or discriminated against
correctness - the quality of conformity to social expectations
2.incorrectness - the quality of not conforming to fact or truth
quality - an essential and distinguishing attribute of something or someone; "the quality of mercy is not strained"--Shakespeare
erroneousness, error - inadvertent incorrectness
correctness, rightness - conformity to fact or truth
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.


An act or thought that unintentionally deviates from what is correct, right, or true:
The American Heritage® Roget's Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
خَـطَـأ، عَدَم صِحَّـه
villa; ókurteisi


(inkəˈrekt) adjective
1. not accurate or correct; wrong. incorrect translation of a word.
2. (of behaviour etc) not acceptable; wrong.
ˌincorˈrectness noun
Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.
References in classic literature ?
Elizabethan prose, all too chaotic in the beauty and force which overflowed into it from Elizabethan poetry, and incorrect with an incorrectness which leaves it scarcely legitimate prose at all: then, in reaction against that, the correctness of Dryden, and his followers through the eighteenth century, determining the standard of a prose in the proper sense, not inferior to the prose of the Augustan age in Latin, or of the "great age in France": and, again in reaction against this, the wild mixture of poetry and prose, in our wild nineteenth century, under the influence of such writers as Dickens and Carlyle: such are the three periods into which the story of our prose literature divides itself.
And Sergey Ivanovitch carried the subject into the regions of philosophical history where Konstantin Levin could not follow him, and showed him all the incorrectness of his view.
He is forever finding fault with me, for some incorrectness of language, and now he is taking the same liberty with you.
Kirsch was not acquainted with a single one, and spoke all with indifferent volubility and incorrectness.
He assured in statement to (SUNA) the incorrectness of what was reported by the media in this regard, pointing out that the movement of the train will be coordinate by the FFC and the steering committee of the trade union of the railway's workers, calling on the media to be accurate in the transfer of information and not being dragged behind leaks from remnants of the former regime especially at this stage.
As stated earlier no action will be taken against the sellers if any error or incorrectness is identified subsequently provided the transaction has been made in good faith.
Moreover, no action will be taken against the seller if any error or incorrectness is identified subsequently provided the transaction has been made in good faith.
"While the Sultanate follows with utmost interest the current developments in the region and hopes from the Iranian and US sides to exercise self-control and solve the outstanding issues between them through dialogue, it affirms the incorrectness of what have been circulated through media about the Sultanate's conveying a US message to the Iranian government regarding the incident of downing a US aircraft on 20/6/2019.
The Foreign Ministry issued a statement, which reads as follows: "While the Sultanate follows with utmost interest the current developments in the region and hopes from the Iranian and US sides to exercise self-control and solve the outstanding issues between them through dialogue, it affirms the incorrectness of what have been circulated through media about the Sultanate's conveying a US message to the Iranian government regarding the incident of downing a US aircraft on 20/6/2019."
But, again, no reason is more powerful than 'political incorrectness."
Jeddah, Jun 9, 2019, SPA -- The Ambassador of the Republic of Djibouti to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Dhiauddin Bamakhramah, has confirmed the incorrectness of what has been circulated, by some media recently, about anchoring of Iranian ships, in the port of Djibouti.
His political incorrectness is good for opposing politicians, NGO liberals, who make their living out of political correctness, and young liberals