hunch forward

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ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Verb1.hunch forward - round one's back by bending forward and drawing the shoulders forward
change posture - undergo a change in bodily posture
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References in periodicals archive ?
It's a rhythmic movement: Don't lock joints or hunch forward for momentum.
That's why many people with the disease hunch forward due to weakening of certain muscles of the spine.
9 CARRYING AROUND A HEAVY RUCKSACK "[BE aware of] the influence of the rucksack on the spine; we tend to hunch forward due to the weight of the bag, so you change your whole standing posture and your centre of gravity," says Claire.
This will cause you to sit badly, the typical bad desk posture being to hunch forward and in turn causes you to breathe from the chest, not the stomach like you should be doing.
Do not hunch forward or let your knees collapse inward.
"Be aware of any tendency to hunch forward when you're sitting and if you catch yourself doing this, stop whatever you're doing and sit up straight before resuming whatever activity you were engaged in," he advises.