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Noun1.humourist - someone who acts speaks or writes in an amusing way
entertainer - a person who tries to please or amuse
lampooner, parodist - mimics literary or musical style for comic effect
punster - someone overly fond of making puns
ironist, ridiculer, satirist - a humorist who uses ridicule and irony and sarcasm
wag, wit, card - a witty amusing person who makes jokes
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References in classic literature ?
you are an odd creature!" she cried, satisfied to have no one preferred to herself."You are a humourist, and may say what you like.
E., you are a thorough humourist. Yes, believe me, Knightley, I am fully sensible of your attention to me in the whole of this scheme.
"Very fine, indeed, sir," she returned, with something of a blush, and a shy deprecating look that seemed to beg me not to notice the peculiarly quaint antics which the wind, evidently a humourist, chose at that moment to execute with the female garments upon the line.
Henceforth we have to follow the spectacle of a man who was a mere whip-top for calamity; on whose unmerited misadventures not even the humourist can look without pity, and not even the philosopher without alarm.
He was a humourist in his way; and there was an absurd side to the situation which rather amused him.
'Meet A Writer Over A Cup of Tea' with prominent humourist poet, Intellectual, Critic and Managing Director, National Book Foundation (NBF) Dr.
All the newspaper articles written so far since the eminent Urdu humourist Mushtaq Ahmad Yusufi passed away at the age of 94 on the 20th of June in Karachi have put the reader in a quandary: is it Yusufi who is the recipient of the offerings of devotional flowers or whether the purpose is to string a garland for themselves?
In his preface to Khakam Badahan, he defines the nature and function of humour as a 'wall of laughter' between man and the 'bitter facts of life.' Moreover, it is not the function of the humourist to advise or admonish.
KARACHI: Renowned writer, humourist and satirist Mushtaq Ahmad Yusufi was laid to rest in Karachi Thursday.
Mushtaq Ahmed Yousufi a legendary humourist and master craftsman
Also present was " fellow humourist" Ash Chandler, whose stand- up comedy act Trivedi had trashed 12 years ago.
HUMOURIST and broadcaster Alan Coren has died from cancer, aged 69.