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Related to homopolar: Homopolar generator


(Chemistry) chem of uniform charge; not ionic; covalent: a homopolar bond.
homopolarity n
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In order to get comprehensive structural information about the studied series, we have investigated all homopolar and heteropolar atomic distances.
Zhang, Control, electronic circuit application and fractional-order analysis of hidden chaotic attractors in the self-exciting homopolar disc dynamo, Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, vol.
Zhang, "Hidden hyperchaos and electronic circuit application in a 5D self-exciting homopolar disc dynamo," Chaos, vol.
(i) The stator is connected on a star and is neutral in the air to eliminate the homopolar component of currents.
In recent years, the VPM motor has been further extended to provide the controllable air-gap flux density and homopolar structure [12].
Moroz, "Synchronization and electronic circuit application of hidden hyperchaos in a four-dimensional self-exciting homopolar disc dynamo without equilibria," Complexity, vol.