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(Geological Science) (of igneous rocks) having only crystalline components and no glass. Compare hemicrystalline
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This sample is a holocrystalline, greyish pink, medium-grained, equigranular granite dominated by quartz; perthitic potassium feldspar grains, which are moderately altered to sericite; plagioclase grains, which are altered to sericite in their central parts (Fig.
Olivine almost disappears in the holocrystalline inner parts of the lamproitic main body, but is locally common in the glassy lavas where there is a porphyric texture with glassy to microcrystalline groundmass.
Petrographically gabbroic rocks are melanocratic, holocrystalline, medium to coarse grained and subpoilikitic in texture.
The intrusive analogues (theralites, essexitic gabbros, ijolites and essexites) show a holocrystalline inequigranular texture, with diopsidic pyroxene ([Wo.sub.44-51][Fs.sub.8-17]), olivine ([Fo.sub.75-82] to [Fo.sub.44-66]), mica (Ti-phlogopite to Ti-biotite), Timagnetite, alkali feldspar, and nepheline ([Ne.sub.64-80][Ks.sub.20-36]) [+ or -] leucite [+ or -] amphibole.
Tholeiitic basalts have a fine grained holocrystalline groundmass, indicating a lava flow with a fairly rapid crystallization process.
Dredging from bathymetric highs recovered pillow lavas, pillow fragments, and holocrystalline rocks, all basaltic in composition.