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Related to hing: Bing, fenugreek, ghee, Jing


Asafetida, especially as used as a seasoning in South Asian cuisine, usually in powdered form mixed with rice flour.

[Hindi, hīṁg, from Prakrit hiṁgu-, from Sanskrit hiṅgu, perhaps of Iranian origin; akin to Persian angu- in angužad, asafetida (angu- + žad, gum, tears of sap).]
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


(Plants) another name for asafoetida
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
References in classic literature ?
Train her in the art of dramatic disguise; provide her with appropriate dresses for different characters; develop her accomplishments in singing and playing; give her plenty of smart talk addressed to the audience; advertise her as a Young Lady at Home; astonish the public by a dramatic entertainment which depends from first to last on that young lady's own sole exertions; commit the entire management of the t hing to my care -- and what follows as a necessary con sequence?
First, James of the Glens rode to Edinburgh, and got some lawyer (a Stewart, nae doubt -- they all hing together like bats in a steeple) and had the proceedings stayed.
He made the rabbits' ears to lie back, an' it's nothin' but contrairiness to make 'em hing down like a mastiff dog's.
"If you really want a cottage in the country," said he, "and the most absolute peace and quiet to be got in this world, I know of the very hing on my land in Lancashire.
Steady Performance from Flagship "Tai Hing" Brand and
A picture of Hing Bun Heang, the deputy commander-in-chief of the Royal Cambodian Armed Forces (RCAF) and commander of the Prime Minister's Bodyguard Unit (BGU), was likewise used in a Facebook account - 'Hang Hing' - that also carried critical content.
On March 1, the plaintiff, the Sue Hing Benevolent Association in San Francisco, held a press conference to announce its victory in the appeal court.
"American Presidents, Deportations, and Human Rights Violations: From Carter to Trump" by Bill Ong Hing (University of San Francisco) studies how recent immigration policies in the United States developed during the Obama administration and are now being expanded in the first months of the Trump presidency.
The 'Hing Yer Helmet' drive seeks to reduce the average annual toll of around 1,000 quad bike-related injuries and two deaths in Scotland.
M2 EQUITYBITES-October 9, 2018-Chinese Eyewear Maker Sun Hing Vision Buys Jill Stuart Trademark for USD 7.11m
Hung Hing Printing Group Limited (HKSE: 450), one of the largest print and packaging companies in Asia, announced today that the company has entered into a strategic partnership agreement with global retailer of luxury products of Swedish design, kikki.K, to acquire a 10% stake in the latter.