

a loyal supporter, follower, or subordinate
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For their first task tonight our aspiring tycoons, all aged 16 to 17, will be selling cheese - watched over as ever by Nick Hewer and Sir Alan's new henchperson, West Ham vice-chairman Karren Brady, who's taking over from Margaret Mountford.
For their first task tonight, our aspiring tycoons, all aged 16 to 17, will be selling cheese - watched over as ever by Nick Hewer and Sir Alan's new henchperson, West Ham vice-chairman Karren Brady, who's taking over from Margaret Mountford.
The omnipresent Tempura (Orville Mendoza)--a smiling Asian henchperson who insists on his scrutability--turns out to be a chameleon of races, nationalities and genders.
Poor Mr Loughton is swimming in the sluice again, trying to blame his and his henchperson's incompetence on his son for being bullied (which I deplore) at school.
The present ruler of Rightsland was a former henchperson of the original Philosopher King.
We'd all be better off if every night he put on his Batman pajamas and fought bravely against imaginary henchpersons in his own apartment.
But then I wanted a villain and his henchpersons who would speak and think extremely dysfunctionally, bad guys and gals full of hate, fear, greed, selfishness, and violence.
We mention this only because apparently this fact was not known to his predecessor, Abu Musab "Big Al" al-Zarqawi, who was shown in a video requiring assistance from henchpersons before he accidentally shot off a toe.
Here, "McGoohan" and two chorusing, intermittently bored henchpersons, all in Prisoner-style uniforms, perform a totalitarian rant, addressed to the "spastics" who will comprise their constituency, on topics like the impossibility of widespread success and compulsory sterilization of women and children, taking in Goethe's conception of horticulture along the way.
The Bush administration and its congressional henchpersons have been spinning like tops, working to ensure that the transformation goes in the direction they prefer: of less government, of responsibility thrown onto the states, of more penance owed by the poor and by workers, of more reliance on church-based charity, of consolidation of their movement's power.
Smith, Scalia was joined by five henchpersons in a 6-to-3 decision that was a bit of a no-brainer (even the dissents were about the appropriate standard to apply): all religious practices must conform to criminal law.
in inaccuracies that the First Lady's henchpersons could blast.