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(ˈhɑːwɪn; ˈhɔːɪn)
(Geological Science) mineralogy a blue feldspathoid mineral found in igneous rock
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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44.19 47.96 * DO-1-1: fresh trachyandesite, DO-1-2: zeolitized trachyandesite, DO-2: trachyandesite ("hauyne tephrite") and DO-3 nepheline tephrite (Hibsch 1915), all from the Dobranka locality, DO-4: zeolitized tephrite, Ovesna.
Hauyne [(Na,Ca).sub.4-8][Al.sub.6][Si.sub.6](O,S)[.sub.24](S[O.sub.4],Cl)[.sub.1-2](RA)
The sodalite family is composed of the minerals sodalite, nosean, hauyne and lazurite; cubic aluminosilicate species with the formula [(Na,Ca).sub.4-8] [Al.sub.6][Si.sub.6][O.sub.24][([SO.sub.4],Cl,OH,S).sub.1-2] n[H.sub.2]O.
Three of the four members of the sodalite group - sodalite, hauyne and lazurite - are known to occur at Monte Somma/Vesuvius, while unconfirmed tests suggest that the fourth member, nosean, is also present.
Typical associated minerals include a sodalite-group mineral (sodalite, lazurite, hauyne or nosean), nepheline, diopside, sanidine, pargasite, phlogopite-biotite and calcite.