haul away

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Related to haul away: Waste management
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Verb1.haul away - take away by means of a vehicle; "They carted off the old furniture"
take away, take out - take out or remove; "take out the chicken after adding the vegetables"
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w>haul away

vi (= pull)mit aller Kraft ziehen (→ at, on an +dat); (rowers)sich in die Riemen legen; haul away!hau ruck!
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007
References in classic literature ?
Soon, however, a noise of striving urchins arose, and muttered encouragements from the neighbouring boys of "Go it, Tadpole!" "Now, young Green!" "Haul away his blanket!" "Slipper him on the hands!" Young Green and little Hall, commonly called Tadpole, from his great black head and thin legs, slept side by side far away by the door, and were for ever playing one another tricks, which usually ended, as on this morning, in open and violent collision; and now, unmindful of all order and authority, there they were, each hauling away at the other's bedclothes with one hand, and with the other, armed with a slipper, belabouring whatever portion of the body of his adversary came within reach.
The rope was placed around the prisoner's neck and the men prepared to haul away.
It's fly time and no wonder the cows suffer and slack up on their milk when there is a lazy bones like you around who won't even help haul away the manure."
They get down and dirty with the debris they are supposed to remove, tossing them into their trucks to haul away. This way, the construction site will be free of any obstruction to their project.
Last June, the DENR signed an undertaking with Malay, Aklan mayor Ciceron Cawaling, in which the local government official promised by July 17 to haul away garbage dumped at a materials recovery facility (MRF) located in Barangay Manoc-Manoc.
Bergkamp said trucks will be traveling west to US-77 to haul away rock from the quarry.
The pair were taken to hospital and police arrived to haul away the car which was badly damaged.
Summary: Police catch suspects trying to haul away car in a truck
The post Police haul away migrants sleeping on rocks in Italian Riviera appeared first on Cyprus Mail.
Rather than haul away a pile of earth in his Albion, California, front yard after excavating his home's foundation, nursery owner Gary Ratway decided to plant it.
A tow truck driver wore protective gloves as he prepared to haul away a car that police said belonged to the patient.