
Related to hand-wringing: referred, hand down, thereof, withstanding


informal an extended debate over the correct course of action in a situation
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
References in periodicals archive ?
The politicians will go into hand-wringing overdrive this week ahead of a Grenfell service, vigil and march.
A review published in goodreads.com said that The Age of Surveillance Capitalism is neither a hand-wringing narrative of danger and decline nor a digital fairy tale.
It is well off the 95.7 last January, and is the weakest since October 2016, as all the hand-wringing over trade, the shutdown, and growth, came home to roost.
* There's some hand-wringing over GOP 1st CD wannabe Bruce Crochetiere's abortion rights stance he's for them--as the primary field jockeys for position.
What's changed since is losing Tiny Roy and all that hand-wringing anxiety...
IN all the hand-wringing and tears about the demise of Aston Villa, there's one person I do really feel sorry for.
Yes, the musicvideos that Hall produces and stars in are great fun (and who ever thought we'd see those again on MTV?), but the hand-wringing In the build-up to making them Is a bit of a snooze.
NOTHING gives a warmer, satisfying glow of pleasure without making any effort than passionate hand-wringing and appearing to take the moral high ground which Dave Dellist does in his letter (Nov 7) concerning those who will suffer from the latest round of cuts from the council.
While striving to be uplifting, the film comes across as smug thanks to Hector's middle-class hand-wringing.
Between the Bharatiya Janata Party's hand-wringing defence of the fare hike -- it's cleaning up the mess left behind by Congress, it says -- and the surprising first quarterly earnings of railways this year which posted a profit, the Indian voter has no choice but to wait it out to see if he does indeed get to see happier days after a bit of a rough ride.
Demolition must always be the last resort.The facade won't be saved by ritual hand-wringing but I for one very much believe Liverpool's dwindling stores of vision, conviction, style and wit aren't entirely exhausted (he said hopefully).
American officials did some hand-wringing, Palestinian officials threatened to quit the peace process, and now, even with the plans rescinded, the Palestinian negotiating team has reportedly quit.