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(Animals) the common teal, Anas crecca
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.greenwing - common teal of Eurasia and North Americagreenwing - common teal of Eurasia and North America
teal - any of various small short-necked dabbling river ducks of Europe and America
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References in periodicals archive ?
ASHLEY: Greenwing Motors at Ashley Smithy Garage, Mobberley Road has applied for a change of use of the car showroom to business and the erection of mobile accommodation to act as a sales office.
Wildfowl editors have hunted with Prairie Sky and taken a stunning mixed bag of gaddies, redhead, mallards, more gaddies, pintail and greenwing teal in the early season (prairie-skyranch.
"Bring Meg over here; we have a duck down way out in the cattails and none of those other dogs can find it." Ten minutes later, Meg, a one-year-old golden retriever, came swimming back, a drake greenwing teal firmly held by the body.
Greenwing Properties LLC, led by Joseph Baker and Brian Bewley, purchased the land along 145th Street between Interstate 530 and Wrightsville.
The Greenwing Stud from Diss, Norfolk sold their two-year-old dun colt Greenwing Di John for PS6,800 to Clive Mages of Swansea; his dam is the well-known winner Bryneglur Molly by Geler Sparc.
Although the company's website says the airplane continues in development, calls and e-mails to GreenWing International, its U.S.
A new company, Greenwing International, has been formed to market the electric eSpyder developed by Yuneec Aircraft Helicopter manufacturer Sikorsky laid off 200 workers ...
Dabbling ducks (like blue- and greenwing teal, gadwall, widgeon, pintail, northern shovelers and mallards) show a preference for surface matted hydrilla but also relish hydrilla that is just a few inches below the surface.
1 Drawing and painting 2 They used to be shepherds 3 Hope Springs 4 pounds 150,000 5 Griff Rhys Jones 6 1995 7 Dominic Monaghan 8 To be with girlfriend Rachel Kinski in London 9 Player magazine 10 Sir Trevor McDonald 11 The Sheriff of Nottingham 12 Denmark 13 ASharp Intake of Breath 14 Live and Kicking 15 Paramedic 16 The raising of the wreck of the Mary Rose 17 Violin 18 Frank Butcher 19 Boris Karloff 20 Saucy Nancy 21 40 22 The South Pole 23Magnum24 George Cole 25 Jayne Middlemiss 26 Gary Shandling 27 Architecture 28 GreenWing 29 Angelo Rosetta 30 Caretaker of the Great Barrier Reef islands
Greenwing teal lead the harvest at Farmington Bay, followed by mallards, gadwall and northern shovelers.
The greenwing,a gift from his parents,has pride of place in his office and rides in his car.
The Greenwing, a gift from his parents, has pride of place in his office when not on his shoulder and rides in the passenger seat of his car.

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