grandmother clock

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grandmother clock

(Horology) a longcase clock with a pendulum, about two thirds the size of a grandfather clock
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A room large enough to easily accommodate a fireplace, seating area and even a grandmother clock, plus the expected eye-catching, decorative staircase.
There's a grandmother clock there which I just fell in love with when I saw it.
Grandmother clock: "This is smaller than a grandfather clock and it is very dear to me.
Most families at some point have seen in the corner of granny's or Aunt Mabel's house a tall grandfather or grandmother clock, but this one was different.
She said: "He was head of the composing room and I remember one of the Woodheads came to see him and he received two gifts from the Examiner - a grandmother clock and a tea service.
Among the items stolen were a grandmother clock with the words Northern Goldsmith on the face, a Victorian black marble mantle clock and a child's rocking horse.
QI HAVE a grandmother clock which has been in our family for 30 years.
PENSIONER Graham Jones took his 91-year-old neighbour to court - over her grandmother clock.
The other thing I realised as I was considering the length of a grandfather clock is that, with both front seats up, you could carry a grandmother clock, which ranges from 5ft 4in to 5ft 9in.
In the past my wife, Ruth, and I have returned with a dog and a grandmother clock. Not on the same occasion, mind you.