grand vizier

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grand vizier

(Historical Terms) (formerly) the chief officer or minister of state in the Ottoman Empire and other Muslim countries
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References in classic literature ?
Having fulfilled this vow for many years to the letter, and with a religious punctuality and method that conferred great credit upon him as a man of devout feeling and excellent sense, he was interrupted one afternoon (no doubt at his prayers) by a visit from his grand vizier, to whose daughter, it appears, there had occurred an idea.
Accordingly, and although we do not find it to be leap-year (which makes the sacrifice more meritorious), she deputes her father, the grand vizier, to make an offer to the king of her hand.
Imagine the Grand Vizier in solemn council with the magnates of the realm, spelling his way through the hated newspaper, and finally delivering his profound decision: "This thing means mischief --it is too darkly, too suspiciously inoffensive--suppress it!
From time to time the Grand Vizier sends a notice to the various editors that the Cretan insurrection is entirely suppressed, and although that editor knows better, he still has to print the notice.
There had been times when, if he had been a sultan, and his grand vizier had said one morning, "What does the Commander of the Faithful require at the hands of his slave?" he might have even gone so far as to reply, "The head of Coavinses!" But what turned out to be the case?
The film tells about the misadventures of Caliph Chasid of Baghdad and his Grand Vizier Mansor after they buy magic powder from a wizard.
The princess occasionally passes herself off as a commoner to see what she's missing outside the stultifying confines of the Sultan's (Navid Negahban) kingdom, or why her dad's clueless subjects need protecting from the evil machinations of Jafar (Marwan Kenzari), the power-hungry sorcerer masquerading as the Sultan's grand vizier.
Starring Will Smith, Naomi Scott, Alan Tudyk, Billy agnussen, Mena Massoud and more; e film follows A kindhearted street urchin nd a power-hungry Grand Vizier vie for magic lamp that has the power to make eir deepest wishes come true.
But when Kenzari was cast to play the Grand Vizier of Agrabah, many proclaimed that "hot Jafar" had arrived.
- Marwan Kenzarilay as Jafar, the evil Grand vizier of Agrabah with plans to overthrow the Sultan.
As Grand Vizier, he can pretty much decide that he will be anything he wants to--except the Caliph, of course.
He's a grand vizier of social media, appears on every TV show that'll have him ...