References in classic literature ?
And this was the storied gondola of Venice!--the fairy boat in which the princely cavaliers of the olden time were wont to cleave the waters of the moonlit canals and look the eloquence of love into the soft eyes of patrician beauties, while the gay gondolier in silken doublet touched his guitar and sang as only gondoliers can sing!
It is enough that my cherished dreams of Venice have been blighted forever as to the romantic gondola and the gorgeous gondolier; this system of destruction shall go no farther; I will accept the hearse, under protest, and you may fly your flag of truce in peace, but here I register a dark and bloody oath that you shan't sing.
However, when I observed that the other gondolas had sailed away, and my gondolier was preparing to go overboard, I stopped.
I know a little man from whom I can hire what I should want for a few months, for a trifle, and my gondolier can bring the things round in his boat.
At long intervals, the warning cry of a belated gondolier was just audible, as he turned the corner of a distant canal, and called to invisible boats which might be approaching him in the darkness.
Ruskin had visited Torcello by this time, and was ordering his gondoliers to take him to Murano.
The sentinel at the water gate was bribed with a bag containing ten livres weight of gold; and as far as the two gondoliers, they believed they were serving the Republic.
In this crowning unreality, where all the streets were paved with water, and where the deathlike stillness of the days and nights was broken by no sound but the softened ringing of church-bells, the rippling of the current, and the cry of the gondoliers turning the corners of the flowing streets, Little Dorrit, quite lost by her task being done, sat down to muse.
Venice, FL, February 06, 2019 --( RE/MAX Alliance Group has won the 2018 Best of Venice Real Estate Franchise award from the Venice Gondolier Sun at an awards ceremony held recently.
Plus, they most certainly wouldn't have let Gino get away with wimping out of gondolier training so easily.
He starts his journey in beautiful Venice, touring the waterways with a young gondolier, travelling across the lagoon to Burano, and visiting the Rialto market at dawn to buy ingredients for a special pasta dish.
"Off with the girls to nab a gondolier. We may not speak Italian, but we are fluent in body language" Writer Kathy Lette on holiday in Venice.