go to sleep

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ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Verb1.go to sleep - prepare for sleepgo to sleep - prepare for sleep; "I usually turn in at midnight"; "He goes to bed at the crack of dawn"
bed down, bunk down - go to bed; "We bedded down at midnight"
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References in classic literature ?
Though it was dusk, not one of them wanted to go to sleep.
I lay there fretting over this injury, and trying to go to sleep; but the harder I tried, the wider awake I grew.
There proved nothing for it but to accept the situation, and we made the arrangement that Nicolete was to slip off to bed first, and then put out the light and go to sleep. However, when I followed her, having sat up as long as the landlady's patience would endure, I found that, though she had blown out the candle, she had forgotten to put out the moon, which shone as though it were St.
"You go to sleep, but I can't," said the first voice, coming nearer to the window.
Well, when the dark shut down, in the rugged hills, that poor little chap had been tearing around in the saddle all day, and I noticed by the slack knee-pressure that she was tired and tottery, and I got dreadfully afraid; but every time I tried to slow down and let her go to sleep, so I could stop, she hurried me up again; and so, sure enough, at last over she went!
To eat, and drink, and go to sleep, as long as I stay here, is all I care for.
I didn't want to go to sleep, of course; but I was so sleepy I couldn't help it; so I thought I would take jest one little cat-nap.
I told him to go to sleep alone, and here he is, downstairs, getting his death a-cold pattering over that canvas," said Meg, answering the call.
Billina had quietly walked around and picked up the crumbs of cake which had been scattered, and now, as it was long after bed-time, she tried to find some dark place in which to go to sleep.
"And now I suppose we'd better go to sleep," suggested Jane.
I wished for John, but he had eight miles to walk, so I lay down in my straw and tried to go to sleep. After a long while I heard John at the door; I gave a low moan, for I was in great pain.
The you must return to your palace, bathe, and go to sleep, and when you awake to-morrow morning you will be cured."