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Related to glance: glance over

glance 1

v. glanced, glanc·ing, glanc·es
a. To direct the eyes at or toward something briefly: glanced in the rearview mirror.
b. To read quickly or in cursory fashion: glanced at the menu.
a. To strike a surface at such an angle as to be deflected: A pebble glanced off the windshield.
b. To shine over or through something at an angle: The sun glanced through the leaves.
c. To be reflected, especially in flashes: sunlight glanced off the water.
3. To make a passing reference; touch briefly: a history course that only glanced at the Korean conflict.
1. To strike (a surface) at an angle; graze: The arrow glanced the target but didn't stick. See Synonyms at brush1.
2. To cause to strike a surface at an angle: glanced a stone off the wall.
1. A brief or cursory look: gave the paper a glance before breakfast.
2. A quick flash of light; a gleam.
3. An oblique movement following impact; a deflection: The car struck the barrier and went off at a glance.
at first glance
On initial consideration: At first glance the plan seemed unworkable.

[Middle English glauncen, alteration (influenced by glenten, to shine) of glacen, from Old French glacer, to slide; see glacis.]

glance 2

Any of various minerals that have a brilliant luster: silver glance.

[German Glanz, from Middle High German glanz, from Old High German, bright; see ghel- in Indo-European roots.]
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


1. (intr) to look hastily or briefly
2. (intr; foll by over, through, etc) to look over briefly: to glance through a report.
3. (intr) to reflect, glint, or gleam: the sun glanced on the water.
4. (usually foll by: off) to depart (from an object struck) at an oblique angle: the arrow glanced off the tree.
5. (tr) to strike at an oblique angle: the arrow glanced the tree.
6. a hasty or brief look; peep
7. at a glance from one's first look; immediately
8. a flash or glint of light; gleam
9. the act or an instance of an object glancing or glancing off another
10. a brief allusion or reference
11. (Cricket) cricket a stroke in which the ball is deflected off the bat to the leg side; glide
[C15: modification of glacen to strike obliquely, from Old French glacier to slide (see glacis); compare Middle English glenten to make a rapid sideways movement, glint]
ˈglancing adv
ˈglancingly adv
Usage: Glance is sometimes wrongly used where glimpse is meant: he caught a glimpse (not glance) of her making her way through the crowd


(Minerals) any mineral having a metallic lustre, esp a simple sulphide: copper glance.
[C19: from German Glanz brightness, lustre]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


(glæns, glɑns)

v. glanced, glanc•ing,
n. v.i.
1. to look quickly or briefly.
2. to gleam or flash; scintillate.
3. to strike a surface or object obliquely, esp. so as to bounce off at an angle (often fol. by off): The arrow glanced off his shield.
4. to allude briefly to a topic or subject in passing (usu. fol. by at).
5. to throw, hit, kick, or shoot (something) so as to cause an oblique bounce off a surface or object.
6. Archaic. to cast or reflect, as a gleam.
7. Archaic. to cast a glance at; catch a glimpse of.
8. a quick or brief look: She memorized the chart at a glance.
9. a gleam or flash, esp. of reflected light.
10. a deflected movement or course; an oblique rebound.
11. a passing reference or allusion.
[1400–50; late Middle English; alter. (perhaps influenced by obsolete glent; see glint) of Middle English glacen to strike a glancing blow < Old French glacier to slip, slide < Latin glaciāre to freeze. See glacé]
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.


Past participle: glanced
Gerund: glancing

I glance
you glance
he/she/it glances
we glance
you glance
they glance
I glanced
you glanced
he/she/it glanced
we glanced
you glanced
they glanced
Present Continuous
I am glancing
you are glancing
he/she/it is glancing
we are glancing
you are glancing
they are glancing
Present Perfect
I have glanced
you have glanced
he/she/it has glanced
we have glanced
you have glanced
they have glanced
Past Continuous
I was glancing
you were glancing
he/she/it was glancing
we were glancing
you were glancing
they were glancing
Past Perfect
I had glanced
you had glanced
he/she/it had glanced
we had glanced
you had glanced
they had glanced
I will glance
you will glance
he/she/it will glance
we will glance
you will glance
they will glance
Future Perfect
I will have glanced
you will have glanced
he/she/it will have glanced
we will have glanced
you will have glanced
they will have glanced
Future Continuous
I will be glancing
you will be glancing
he/she/it will be glancing
we will be glancing
you will be glancing
they will be glancing
Present Perfect Continuous
I have been glancing
you have been glancing
he/she/it has been glancing
we have been glancing
you have been glancing
they have been glancing
Future Perfect Continuous
I will have been glancing
you will have been glancing
he/she/it will have been glancing
we will have been glancing
you will have been glancing
they will have been glancing
Past Perfect Continuous
I had been glancing
you had been glancing
he/she/it had been glancing
we had been glancing
you had been glancing
they had been glancing
I would glance
you would glance
he/she/it would glance
we would glance
you would glance
they would glance
Past Conditional
I would have glanced
you would have glanced
he/she/it would have glanced
we would have glanced
you would have glanced
they would have glanced
Collins English Verb Tables © HarperCollins Publishers 2011
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.glance - a quick lookglance - a quick look        
looking, looking at, look - the act of directing the eyes toward something and perceiving it visually; "he went out to have a look"; "his look was fixed on her eyes"; "he gave it a good looking at"; "his camera does his looking for him"
eye-beaming - a radiant glance of the eye; "he pretended profundity by eye-beamings at people"
side-glance, side-look - a glance sideways; "she shot him an impatient side-glance"
Verb1.glance - throw a glance at; take a brief look at; "She only glanced at the paper"; "I only peeked--I didn't see anything interesting"
look - perceive with attention; direct one's gaze towards; "She looked over the expanse of land"; "Look at your child!"; "Look--a deer in the backyard!"
2.glance - hit at an angle
collide with, impinge on, hit, run into, strike - hit against; come into sudden contact with; "The car hit a tree"; "He struck the table with his elbow"
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.


1. peek, look, view, check, clock (Brit. informal), gaze, glimpse, check out (informal), peep, take a dekko at (Brit. slang) He glanced at his watch.
peek study, scrutinize, peruse
2. (with over, through, etc.) scan, browse, dip into, leaf through, flip through, thumb through, skim through, riffle through, run over or through I picked up the book and glanced through it.
1. peek, look, glimpse, peep, squint, butcher's (Brit. slang), quick look, gander (informal), brief look, dekko (slang), shufti (Brit. slang) She stole a quick glance at her watch.
peek examination, inspection, good look, perusal
at first glance on the surface, apparently, seemingly, at first sight, superficially At first glance, everything looked fine.
glance off graze, brush, bounce, rebound, skim, ricochet My fist glanced off his jaw.
Usage: Care should be taken not to confuse glance and glimpse: he caught a glimpse (not glance) of her making her way through the crowd; he gave a quick glance (not glimpse) at his watch. A glance is a deliberate action, while a glimpse seems opportunistic.
Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002


1. To look briefly and quickly:
2. To emit light suddenly in rays or sparks:
3. To strike a surface at such an angle as to be deflected:
phrasal verb
glance at or over
To look through reading matter casually:
browse, dip into, flip through, leaf (through), riffle (through), run through, scan, skim, thumb (through).
1. A quick look:
Informal: gander.
2. A sudden quick light:
The American Heritage® Roget's Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
لـَمْحَةلَمْحَه خاطِفَهيُلَمِّحُ إلَىيَنْظُرُ نَظْرَةً خاطِفَه
letmý pohledpodívat sevrhnout letmý pohled
kaste et blikbladreblikkaste blik på
coup d'œiljeter un coup d’œiljeter un coup d'œilcoup d’œil
pillantpillantást vet
kíkja á, líta sem snöggvast ákíkja á, renna yfir
흘끗 보기흘끗 보다
grybštelėjantisgrybštelėtiperžvelgtitik žvilgtelėjęstrumpai prisiliečiantis
acu uzmetiensātrs skatienspaskatītiesuzmest acis
vrhnúť letmý pohľad
cái liếcliếc


A. N (at person) → mirada f; (at object) → vistazo m, ojeada f (at a)
at a glancede un vistazo
without a backward glancesin volver la vista atrás
we exchanged a glanceintercambiamos una mirada
at first glancea primera vista
to steal/take a glance at sth/sbechar un vistazo a algo/algn
B. VI (= look) → mirar
she glanced in my directionmiró hacia donde yo estaba
to glance at [+ person] → lanzar una mirada a; [+ object] → echar un vistazo a, ojear
to glance over or through a reporthojear un informe
glance away VI + ADVapartar los ojos
glance down VI + ADVechar un vistazo (hacia abajo)
glance off VI + PREP to glance off sthrebotar de algo
glance round
A. VI + ADV (round about) → echar un vistazo alrededor; (behind) → echar un vistazo atrás
B. VI + PREP he glanced round the roomechó un vistazo por la habitación
glance up VI + ADV (= raise eyes) → levantar la vista; (= look upwards) → mirar hacia arriba
Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005


ncoup m d'œil
a quick glance → un rapide coup d'œil
a sideways glance → un regard de côté or oblique
at first glance → au premier abord
at a glance → d'un simple coup d'œil
to tell at a glance that ... → se rendre tout de suite compte que ...
to steal a glance at sb/sth → jeter un coup d'œil furtif sur qn/qch, jeter un coup d'œil furtif à qn/qch
vijeter un coup d'œil
She glanced from side to side → Elle a jeté un coup d'œil de part et d'autre.
Jacqueline glanced out of the window → Jacqueline jeta un coup d'œil par la fenêtre.
to glance at sb/sth → jeter un coup d'œil à qn/qch
Peter glanced at his watch → Peter a jeté un coup d'œil à sa montre.
to glance up from sth [+ book, newspaper] → lever les yeux de qch
glance around
glance round
vijeter un coup d'œil autour de soi
vtjeter un coup d'œil circulaire à
glance back
vijeter un coup d'œil en arrière
to glance back at sb/sth → se retourner pour jeter un coup d'œil à qn/qch
glance off
vt fus [bullet] → ricocher sur
Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005


nBlick m; at a glanceauf einen Blick; at first glanceauf den ersten Blick; she gave him a warning/quick glancesie warf ihm einen warnenden/kurzen Blick zu; to take a quick glance at somethingeinen kurzen Blick auf etw (acc)werfen; he cast or had a quick glance round the roomer sah sich kurz im Zimmer um; we exchanged glanceswir sahen uns kurz an
visehen, blicken, schauen (esp S Ger); to glance at somebody/somethingjdn/etw kurz ansehen, einen kurzen Blick auf etw (acc)werfen; to glance at or through a newspaper/reporteinen kurzen Blick in eine Zeitung/einen Bericht werfen, eine Zeitung/einen Bericht überfliegen or kurz durchsehen; to glance over somethingetw überfliegen; to glance across to somebodyjdm einen Blick zuwerfen; to glance down/ineinen Blick hinunter-/hineinwerfen, kurz hinunter-/hineinsehen; to glance upaufsehen or -blicken (from von); to glance roundsich umblicken; he glanced round the roomer sah sich im Zimmer um
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007


1. nsguardo, occhiata
to take or have a glance at → dare un'occhiata a
at a glance → a colpo d'occhio
at first glance → a prima vista
without a backward glance → senza voltarsi indietro (fig) → senza rimpianti
2. vi (look) to glance at (person) → lanciare uno sguardo or un'occhiata a; (headlines) → dare uno sguardo or un'occhiata a
to glance away → distogliere lo sguardo
to glance through a report → dare una scorsa a un rapporto
glance off vi + prep (bullet) to glance off sthrimbalzare di striscio su qc
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995


(glaːns) verb
to look very quickly. He glanced at the book; He glanced over the accounts.
a brief or quick look. I had a glance at the books last night.
ˈglancing adjective
which hits and glances off. a glancing blow.
at a glance
at once. I could tell at a glance that something was wrong.
glance off
to hit and bounce off to one side. The ball glanced off the edge of his bat.
Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.


لـَمْحَة, يُلَمِّحُ إلَى letmý pohled, podívat se blik, kaste et blik Blick, blicken βλέμμα, κοιτάζω λοξά echar un vistazo, vistazo vilkaista, vilkaisu coup d’œil, jeter un coup d’œil pogled, pogledati dare uno sguardo, occhiata ちらっと見る, ちらっと見ること 흘끗 보기, 흘끗 보다 vluchtig kijken, vluchtige blik blikk, kikke spojrzeć, spojrzenie olhar de relance, relance, relancear бросить взгляд, быстрый взгляд blick, snegla การชำเลือง, ชำเลืองดู bakış, göz atmak cái liếc, liếc 一瞥, 扫视
Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009


n. mirada, ojeada, vistazo;
vi. dar un vistazo, dar una ojeada;
at first ___a primera vista.
English-Spanish Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012
References in classic literature ?
One of them, proud, haughty, capricious, with black hair and beautiful hands, was casting the flame of her glance here and there at random; another, light- hearted and gay, a smile upon her lips, with chestnut hair and delicate white hands, was a typical French virgin, thoughtless, and without hidden thoughts, living her natural real life; a third was dreamy, melancholy, pale, bending her head like a drooping flower; her neighbor, on the contrary, tall, indolent, with Asiatic habits, long eyes, moist and black, said but little, and reflected, glancing covertly at the head of Antinous.
Among them, like the "jocoso" of a Spanish play, full of wit and epigrammatic sallies, another girl was watching the rest with a comprehensive glance, making them laugh, and tossing up her head, too lively and arch not to be pretty.
"Captain Goodfellow," he said, "I should be glad if you would glance at the contents of that note."
There was, however, something more than curiosity in his glance. There was also respect.
Every time he stole a glance at the girls' side of the room Becky's face troubled him.
But a moment or two afterwards he began to glance keenly about him.
Recollecting himself, however, and seeing at a glance the sort of people he had to deal with, the officer turned his back on both his opponents, and courteously, but concealing his face with his handkerchief, approached the prince, who was now rising from the chair into which he had fallen.
By the appearance of her face, she might have been between thirty-five and forty; and it was a face that, once seen, could never be forgotten,--one of those that, at a glance, seem to convey to us an idea of a wild, painful, and romantic history.
He saw, at a glance, that a native adroitness and handiness made the task to her an easier one than it proved to many.
Both the look and the result were noticed by Maria; and, turning a glance of rather saucy meaning on the gentleman, she said--
My experienced commander seemed in one searching glance to read my thoughts on my ingenuous face.
Bright, admiring glances from a handsome young gentleman with white hands, a gold chain, occasional regimentals, and wealth and grandeur immeasurable--those were the warm rays that set poor Hetty's heart vibrating and playing its little foolish tunes over and over again.