genus Lythrum

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Noun1.genus Lythrum - loosestrifegenus Lythrum - loosestrife        
dicot genus, magnoliopsid genus - genus of flowering plants having two cotyledons (embryonic leaves) in the seed which usually appear at germination
family Lythraceae, loosestrife family, Lythraceae - herbs and shrubs and small trees with pink or purple flowers
loosestrife - any of numerous herbs and subshrubs of the genus Lythrum
Lythrum salicaria, purple loosestrife, spiked loosestrife - marsh herb with a long spike of purple flowers; originally of Europe but now rampant in eastern United States
grass poly, hyssop loosestrife, Lythrum hyssopifolia - annual with small solitary pink flowers; originally of Europe but widely naturalized in moist areas
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References in periodicals archive ?
At present, the preponderance of evidence supports recognition of a single genus Lythrum. Peplis is briefly summarized later in this study.