genus Agrostis

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Noun1.genus Agrostis - annual or perennial grasses cosmopolitan in northern hemisphere: bent grass (so named from `bent' meaning an area of unfenced grassland)genus Agrostis - annual or perennial grasses cosmopolitan in northern hemisphere: bent grass (so named from `bent' meaning an area of unfenced grassland)
plant genus - a genus of plants
family Graminaceae, family Gramineae, family Poaceae, Graminaceae, Gramineae, grass family, Poaceae - the grasses: chiefly herbaceous but some woody plants including cereals; bamboo; reeds; sugar cane
bent grass, bent-grass, bent - grass for pastures and lawns especially bowling and putting greens
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References in periodicals archive ?
The genus Agrostis, commonly known as the bentgrasses, is an extremely diverse and highly outcrossing genus.
has nine synonyms in genus Agrostis or Bromidium (Soreng et al., 2002).
THE TAXONOMIC CLASSIFICATION of the genus Agrostis is one of the most complicated of the grass genera.