

n, pl -zos
(Animals) any of several types of vulture
[Sp, from Lat gallina hen]
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In this list may be included four species of the Caracara or Polyborus, the Turkey buzzard, the Gallinazo, and the Condor.
To these observations I may add, on the high authority of Azara, that the Carrancha feeds on worms, shells, slugs, grasshoppers, and frogs; that it destroys young lambs by tearing the umbilical cord; and that it pursues the Gallinazo, till that bird is compelled to vomit up the carrion it may have recently gorged.
We have now only to mention the turkey-buzzard (Vultur aura), and the Gallinazo. The former is found wherever the country is moderately damp, from Cape Horn to North America.
En el presente estudio se analizan los requerimientos nutricionales de las especies cocobolo (Dalbergia retusa, subfamilia Faboideae, fijadora de N y crecimiento lento), guanacaste (Enterolobium cyclocarpum, subfamilia Mimosoideae, fijadora de N y crecimiento rapido), guapinol (Hymenaea courbaril, subfamilia Caesalpiniodeae, no fijadora y de crecimiento lento) y gallinazo (Schizolobium parahyba, subfamilia Caesalpiniodeae, no fijadora y de crecimiento rapido).
Cathartiformes: Coragyps atratus "gallinazo cabeza negra", muy abundante en el pasado; hoy es comun y habita en lugares cercanos a las poblaciones humanas.