gaffer tape

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gaffer tape

(Electronics) Brit strong adhesive tape used in electrical repairs
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"Two bonnets in the bin, lots of papier mache, super glue, gaffer tape and many other failed attempts later, my son and I came up with this...
Another said: "Why does @hollywills dress have what looks like two random patches of gaffer tape stuck to it?!
Cllr Barrie Grunewald, 40, was bound and gagged with gaffer tape and beaten by two thugs at his Rainhill home.
Gaffer tape is widely used in theatre, photography, film --television production and industrial staging works.
The colors, too, were exactly right, from the signal red of gaffer tape to the deceptively realistic brown of packing tape and a length of slightly yellowed transparent Scotch tape.
I have replaced the wing mirrors twice and now I have taped them up with gaffer tape because if I replace them they will only be damaged again."
The old ones have taken a battering over the years and gaffer tape isn't an alternative anymore!
The tortoiseshell, thought to be just seven months old, was found inside a cat carrier which had been sealed with gaffer tape and dumped with rubbish in the street.
Crews 2,000m of tape for such as fixing to stage mic Their crews - and the festival's own crews - worked nonstop throughout to make sure everything was exactly where it should be and their efforts included using 2,000m of gaffer tape for purposes such as fixing cable to stage floors and mic stands.
We must have been ahead of our time, because nowadays sticking gaffer tape on a verruca is recommended as one of the options for getting rid of them.
The name of the fragrance is written in gold on a ripped piece of black gaffer tape, and signed with the designer's iconic initials--SJP Stay tuned for more on this exciting packaging design project.