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1. Needlessly nervous or useless activity; commotion: There was a lot of fuss on moving day.
a. A state of excessive and unwarranted concern over an unimportant matter: made a big fuss over one low test grade.
b. An objection; a protest: The longer working hours caused a big fuss.
3. A quarrel.
4. A display of affectionate excitement and attention: Everyone made a fuss over the new baby.
v. fussed, fuss·ing, fuss·es
1. To trouble or worry over trifles.
2. To be excessively careful or solicitous: fussed over their children.
3. To get into or be in a state of nervous or useless activity: fussed with the collar of his coat.
4. To object; complain.
To disturb or vex with unimportant matters.

[Origin unknown.]

fuss′er n.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


1. nervous activity or agitation, esp when disproportionate or unnecessary
2. complaint or objection: he made a fuss over the bill.
3. an exhibition of affection or admiration, esp if excessive: they made a great fuss over the new baby.
4. a quarrel; dispute
5. (intr) to worry unnecessarily
6. (intr) to be excessively concerned over trifles
7. (when: intr, usually foll by over) to show great or excessive concern, affection, etc (for)
8. (foll by: with) Jamaican to quarrel violently
9. (tr) to bother (a person)
[C18: of uncertain origin]
ˈfusser n
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014



1. an excessive display of attention or activity; needless or useless bustle.
2. an argument or noisy dispute.
3. a complaint or protest, esp. about something relatively unimportant: to make a fuss.
4. to make much about trifles.
5. to complain esp. about something relatively unimportant.
6. to disturb.
[1695–1705; orig. uncertain]
fuss′er, n.
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.


Past participle: fussed
Gerund: fussing

I fuss
you fuss
he/she/it fusses
we fuss
you fuss
they fuss
I fussed
you fussed
he/she/it fussed
we fussed
you fussed
they fussed
Present Continuous
I am fussing
you are fussing
he/she/it is fussing
we are fussing
you are fussing
they are fussing
Present Perfect
I have fussed
you have fussed
he/she/it has fussed
we have fussed
you have fussed
they have fussed
Past Continuous
I was fussing
you were fussing
he/she/it was fussing
we were fussing
you were fussing
they were fussing
Past Perfect
I had fussed
you had fussed
he/she/it had fussed
we had fussed
you had fussed
they had fussed
I will fuss
you will fuss
he/she/it will fuss
we will fuss
you will fuss
they will fuss
Future Perfect
I will have fussed
you will have fussed
he/she/it will have fussed
we will have fussed
you will have fussed
they will have fussed
Future Continuous
I will be fussing
you will be fussing
he/she/it will be fussing
we will be fussing
you will be fussing
they will be fussing
Present Perfect Continuous
I have been fussing
you have been fussing
he/she/it has been fussing
we have been fussing
you have been fussing
they have been fussing
Future Perfect Continuous
I will have been fussing
you will have been fussing
he/she/it will have been fussing
we will have been fussing
you will have been fussing
they will have been fussing
Past Perfect Continuous
I had been fussing
you had been fussing
he/she/it had been fussing
we had been fussing
you had been fussing
they had been fussing
I would fuss
you would fuss
he/she/it would fuss
we would fuss
you would fuss
they would fuss
Past Conditional
I would have fussed
you would have fussed
he/she/it would have fussed
we would have fussed
you would have fussed
they would have fussed
Collins English Verb Tables © HarperCollins Publishers 2011
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.fuss - an excited state of agitation; "he was in a dither"; "there was a terrible flap about the theft"
agitation - a mental state of extreme emotional disturbance
2.fuss - an angry disturbancefuss - an angry disturbance; "he didn't want to make a fuss"; "they had labor trouble"; "a spot of bother"
disturbance, perturbation - activity that is a malfunction, intrusion, or interruption; "the term `distress' connotes some degree of perturbation and emotional upset"; "he looked around for the source of the disturbance"; "there was a disturbance of neural function"
3.fuss - a quarrel about petty pointsfuss - a quarrel about petty points  
dustup, quarrel, run-in, wrangle, row, words - an angry dispute; "they had a quarrel"; "they had words"
4.fuss - a rapid active commotionfuss - a rapid active commotion    
ruckus, ruction, rumpus, commotion, din, tumult - the act of making a noisy disturbance
Verb1.fuss - worry unnecessarily or excessively; "don't fuss too much over the grandchildren--they are quite big now"
worry - be worried, concerned, anxious, troubled, or uneasy; "I worry about my job"
scruple - raise scruples; "He lied and did not even scruple about it"
dither, pother, flap - make a fuss; be agitated
2.fuss - care for like a mother; "She fusses over her husband"
give care, care - provide care for; "The nurse was caring for the wounded"
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.


1. commotion, to-do, worry, upset, bother, stir, confusion, excitement, hurry, flap (informal), bustle, flutter, flurry, agitation, fidget, fluster, ado, hue and cry, palaver, storm in a teacup (Brit.), pother I don't know what all the fuss is about.
2. bother, trouble, struggle, hassle (informal), nuisance, inconvenience, hindrance He gets down to work without any fuss.
3. complaint, row, protest, objection, trouble, display, argument, difficulty, upset, bother, unrest, hassle (informal), squabble, furore, altercation We kicked up a fuss and got an apology.
1. worry, flap (informal), bustle, fret, niggle, fidget, chafe, take pains, make a meal of (informal), be agitated, labour over, get worked up, get in a stew (informal), make a thing of (informal) She fussed about getting me a drink.
make a fuss of something or someone spoil, indulge, pamper, cosset, coddle, mollycoddle, overindulge, kill with kindness My nephews made a big fuss of me.
Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002


1. Busy and useless activity:
Informal: to-do.
2. Needless trouble:
1. To worry over trifles:
Informal: take on.
2. To be nervously or uselessly active:
Informal: mess around.
phrasal verb
fuss at
To scold or find fault with constantly:
Informal: henpeck.
The American Heritage® Roget's Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
ضَجَّةضَجَّه ، جَلَبَهيَثير قَلَقاً أو ضَجَّةً
povykzahrnovat pozornostíobskakovat
postyrpylre omballade
gera veîur
bėginėjimaskaprizingaikarščiavimasisnerimastingaiper daug rūpintis kuo
jezgakņadapārlieku uztraukties/rūpēties par kādusatraukums
obskakovaťvenovať pozornosť
cirkusvznemirjati se
gereksiz telaşkaygılanmaktitizlenmekvelveleyaygara
sự om sòm


A. N
1. (= complaints, arguments) → escándalo m, alboroto m
to make or kick up a fuss about stharmar un escándalo por algo, armar un lío or un follón por algo
he's always making a fuss about nothingsiempre monta el número por cualquier tontería
I think you were quite right to make a fusscreo que hiciste bien en protestar
there's no need to make such a fussno hay por qué ponerse así, no es para tanto
2. (= anxious preparations etc) → conmoción f, bulla f
a lot of fuss about nothingmucho ruido y pocas nueces
such a fuss to get a passport!¡tanta lata para conseguir un pasaporte!
what's all the fuss about?¿a qué viene tanto jaleo?
3. to make a fuss of sb (Brit) (= spoil) → mimar or consentir a algn
C. VT [+ person] → molestar, fastidiar
don't fuss me!¡deja ya de fastidiarme!
fuss about, fuss around VI + ADV (= busy o.s.) → andar de acá para allá; (= worry unnecessarily) → preocuparse por pequeñeces
fuss over VI + PREP [+ person] → consentir a
Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005


(= trouble) → histoires fpl
fuss and bother → embêtements mpl
to make a fuss → faire des histoires
to make a fuss about sth → faire toute une histoire pour qch
to make a fuss about nothing → faire des histoires pour rien
He's always making a fuss about nothing → Il fait toujours des histoires pour rien.
to kick up a fuss → faire toute une histoire
(= excitement) → agitation f
What's all the fuss about? → Qu'est-ce que c'est que toute cette agitation?
(= commotion) → tapage m
to make a fuss of sb (British) (= pay attention to) → être aux petits soins pour qn
vifaire des histoires
to fuss about sth → faire des histoires pour qch
vt [+ person] → embêter
fuss over
vt fus
(= pay attention to) [+ person] → être aux petits soin pour
(= worry about) → se tracasser pour
Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005


nTheater nt (inf); (= bother also)Umstände pl (inf), → Aufheben(s) nt; (= lavish attention)Wirbel m (inf), → Getue nt (inf)(of um); I don’t know what all the fuss is aboutich weiß wirklich nicht, was das ganze Getue or der ganze Wirbel soll (inf); without (any) fussohne großes Theater (inf); to cause a fussTheater machen (inf); to make a fuss, to kick up a fussKrach schlagen (inf); to make a fuss about or over somethingviel Aufhebens or Wirbel (inf)um etw machen; to make a fuss of somebodyum jdn viel Wirbel or Getue machen (inf); to be in a fussZustände haben (inf); a lot of fuss about nothingviel Wirbel (inf)or Lärm um nichts
visich (unnötig) aufregen; (= get into a fuss)Umstände plmachen; there’s no need to fuss if your son doesn’t wear a vestSie brauchen nicht gleich Zustände zu kriegen, nur weil Ihr Sohn kein Unterhemd anhat (inf); don’t fuss, mother!ist ja gut, Mutter!; a mother who fusses unnecessarilyeine übertrieben besorgte Mutter; with a crowd of attendants fussing busily around hermit einer Menge Bediensteter, die eifrig um sie herumhuschten
vt personnervös machen; (= pester)keine Ruhe lassen (+dat); don’t fuss melass mich in Ruhe, lass mir meine Ruhe
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007


1. n (complaints, arguments) → storie fpl; (anxious preparations) → agitazione f
to make a fuss about sth → fare storie per qc
he made a lot of fuss about nothing → ha fatto un sacco di storie per nulla
don't make such a fuss! → non fare tante storie!
to make a fuss of sb (Brit) → coprire qn di attenzioni
2. viagitarsi
3. vt (person) → infastidire, scocciare
fuss about fuss around vi + prepaffannarsi
fuss over vi + prep (person) → circondare di premure
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995


(fas) noun
unnecessary excitement, worry or activity, often about something unimportant. Don't make such a fuss.
to be too concerned with or pay too much attention to (unimportant) details. She fusses over children.
ˈfussy adjective
1. too concerned with details; too particular; difficult to satisfy. She is very fussy about her food.
2. (of clothes etc) with too much decoration. a very fussy hat.
ˈfussily adverb
make a fuss of
to pay a lot of attention to. He always makes a fuss of his grandchildren.
Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.


ضَجَّة povyk postyr Getue αναταραχή alboroto hössötys chichis sitničavost trambusto 大騒ぎ 안달하기 drukte oppstuss zamieszanie confusão, escândalo суета tjafs ความวุ่นวาย yaygara sự om sòm 忙乱
Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009
References in classic literature ?
Some Frogs frequenting the pool heard his lamentation, and said, "What would you do if you had to live here always as we do, when you make such a fuss about a mere fall into the water?"
Don't fuss. That was the trouble with Sarah--she would fuss.
"Why are you taking the thing so seriously and making such a fuss over it?"
Casson, we have seen, considered Adam "rather lifted up and peppery-like": he thought the gentry made more fuss about this young carpenter than was necessary; they made no fuss about Mr.
We had Jim out of the chains in no time, and when Aunt Polly and Uncle Silas and Aunt Sally found out how good he helped the doctor nurse Tom, they made a heap of fuss over him, and fixed him up prime, and give him all he wanted to eat, and a good time, and nothing to do.
Indeed, Monsieur Bwikov is quite angry about the fuss which these fripperies are entailing, seeing that there remain but five days before the wedding, and we are to depart on the following day.
He's jealous of anybody mother makes a fuss over, even the priest.'
He had in the highest degree a practical tenacity which Pierre lacked, and without fuss or strain on his part this set things going.
There 'll be a fuss if I go, and Fan will plague me; so I 'll give it up, and let Tom think I
Why is such a great fuss made because this Miss Magdalen is going to marry somebody who is older than herself?
Though you fuss and fuss, you don't even know what you're talking about."
And to hear HIM make a fuss about too much sail on the ship seemed one of those incredible experiences that take place only in one's dreams.