

(Animals) chiefly US an animal kept for companionship
[C20: from fur + kid1 (child)]
Usage: Some people who are concerned with the rights of animals consider the term furkid to be more acceptable than pet
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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Poet and ARTrepreneur Stephanie Pruitt-Gaines lives in Nashville, where she's powered by pancakes, art and a furkid named Sugar.
The long-term care program helps owners better care for their furkids, providing the animals with assistive devices and rehabilitation schemes, among other medical services.
Divine Lee and husband Blake Go with son Baz-and Pekingese furkids
But for cat owners, there is a way to take it up a notch to make sure their furkids look as stylish and festive as possible.
Sonja says, "When out hiking I found it was Important for the furkids to know just what 'Find the car' meant.
Thank you to Deanna for having a loving heart for the voiceless and homeless furkids," said Phyllis Smith-Vanboxtel Osh of Recycled Love Dog Rescue and All Breed Dog Rescue.
I've even lost our puppy, Mabel, one of two bulldogs who became our "furkids" and brought out the maternal feelings I never thought I had.
Caroline Kisko, Kennel Club Secretary, says: 'Dogs have long been known as 'man's best friend' but research carried out for us shows this is no longer the case, with women now far more likely to own a dog.* Different factors, such as the recent 'furkids' phenomenon and the trend for toy dogs, driven by celebrity culture, may explain why women are choosing to be in the company of dogs more so than men.' *The survey was carried out for the Kennel Club by Atomik in August 2012.
In addition, pet owners are invited to bring their furkids with them to the exhibition every Friday, a first for Taiwan and an example of Taipei's effort to promote itself as an animal-friendly city.
For those of you who are also celebrating the holidays with your furkids, you can get a celebratory cake for them at Whole Pet Kitchen (wholepetkitchen.com).
The spokesdogs for the website are Charlie & Mandie Tarochione, furkids of the company's owner.