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(Individual Sports, other than specified) a type of medium-sized surfboard
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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(2) abbreviation (twenty-three cases): all star ["all star game"], basket, blocking, body, bodyboard, brush, bungee/bungy, crack, cros/cross, fly ["fly shot"], fun, funboard, lift, jogging ["jogging shoes"], mountain-bike, off-road ["off-road racing/off-roading"], passing ["passing shot"], punching, skateboard, snowboard, sparring ["sparring partner"], surf, tenis ["tennis shoes"].
It's a haven for sunbathers during the day and partygoers in the evening, thanks to the restaurants and bars.The strong winds make the beach popular with water sport enthusiasts, and the International Funboard Cup, an annual competitive event for kiteboarders and windsurfers, takes place in January.
PLAY hangman, noughts and crosses or boxes with The Family Funboard, pounds 9.99 from Bright Minds.
The preferred surfboard for beginners is generally the funboard. These boards are usually between seven and eight feet long.
Lucy is now on her way to Hyeres in Southern France for the International Funboard Class World Championships later this month,an event in which she took Gold last year.