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Noun1.frogbit - European floating plant with roundish heart-shaped leaves and white flowersfrogbit - European floating plant with roundish heart-shaped leaves and white flowers
aquatic plant, hydrophyte, hydrophytic plant, water plant - a plant that grows partly or wholly in water whether rooted in the mud, as a lotus, or floating without anchorage, as the water hyacinth
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References in periodicals archive ?
Limnobium laevigatum, or Amazon Frogbit as it is known, was first recorded in Zimbabwe in 2005 by Professor Brian Marshall of the University of Zimbabwe (UZ).
The area also hosts specialist plants including frogbit, arrowhead and Wolffia - the smallest flowering plant in the world.
Some of the aquatic plants like duckweed and frogbit float with tiny roots dangling in the water.
Birds like lapwing, and plants including frogbit, arrowhead and wolffia - better known as duckweed - will be impacted if work goes ahead.
Frogbit (Hydrocharis morsus-ranae) is a good choice for a small pond and has white flowers and I would also recommend Stratiotes (water soldiers).