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Verb1.fress - eat a lot and without restraint
eat - take in solid food; "She was eating a banana"; "What did you eat for dinner last night?"
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References in periodicals archive ?
3) To "fress" (German, via Yiddish) means "to eat greedily".
Fress de-stress day, on Thursday, from 10am until 3pm, at Hardwick Community Centre, Hardwick.
(Notre Dame, Ind.: University of Notre Dame Fress, 1984); Roberto Mangabeira Unger, Knowledge and Politics (New York: Free Press, 1975); Charles Taylor, "Atomism" in Alkis Kontos, ed., Powers, Possessions and Freedom: Essays in Honour of CB.
Luttwak, Strategy: The Logic of War and Peace (Cambridge: Harvard University Fress, 1987).
(The Road to Hell -- The Ravaging Effects of Foreign Aid and International Charity, by Michael Maren, is published by The Fress Press, New York.
In 1968, he saw Doug Engelbart's demo at the FJCC and was inspired to develop FRESS (File Retrieval and Editing SyStem), which combined the best of HES with many ideas from the NLS/Augment system that Engelbart had demonstrated at FJCC.
The Rise of Regional Economies (New York: Fress Press, 1995).
Eisenstadt (Chicago: University of Chicago, 1968); Theology of Social and Economic Organization (New York: Fress, 1968); and Basic Concepts in Sociology, trans.
Ciaran McManus: started like a train, converted his fress well, missed a penalty but drifted after the break.
Among the systems discussed at the workshops were: Augment, Concordia/Document Examiner, IGD, FRESS, Intermedia, HyperCard, Hyperties, KMS/ZOG, Neptune/HAM, Note-Cards, the Sun Link Service, and Textnet.