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censorious of very low quality, value, or rank
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


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References in classic literature ?
But I think I can manage to be a sort of fourth-rate burglar."
You deserve to be poor, to see the environment despoiled, and to watch your children receive a fourth-rate education.
You deserve to be poor, to see the environment despoiled and to watch your children receive a fourth-rate education.
I'M mildly disgusted at my club Aston Villa, as well as Derby, Leeds and all those who feel they were owed a better TV deal than the PS595million, five-year package agreed between the EFL and Sky Half-a-billion pounds for a second, third and fourth-rate product is obscene, but that's football, it is mad.
A 48-gun fourth-rate ship-of-the-line launched in 1695, captured by the French in 1704 but soon recaptured, and broken up in 1709.
We should be trying to create world-class universities, able to take on the likes of Yale, Oxford or the Sorbonne; what we do instead is to seek to emulate a fourth-rate liberal arts college in downtown Arkansas.
However, Berlusconi has countered these claims by saying that he didn't care what "third-rate or fourth-rate officials" had to say about him.
We've a council devoted to turning our town centre into an identikit, multi-outlet, soon to be a desert, and a self-styled Assembly Government comprising a fourth-rate bunch of political nonentities, led by a monosyllabic bungler.
And while everyone gets steamed up about the astronomical salaries paid to fourth-rate TV stars, particularly the 18 million quid wasted on dreary Jonathan Dross, the biggest scandal is that the BBC is handsomely rewarding useless dork Steve McClaren to commentate on a tournament he so brilliantly kept England out of.
It was a "fourth-rate" film, he said, that that did not merit the publicity.
Any air officer above flight lieutenant knew that the Buffalo wasn't a first-class "kite." It couldn't succeed against the Germans or Italians, but Headquarters RAF decided that the Buffalo would suffice against the poorly constructed (canvas and paper), fourth-rate fighters the Japanese flew (according to the RAF's air intelligence).