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"We are now screening teasers for our programmes at Flix on 86 so that more buyers can see our programmes"
I evaluated the WingBug in a Rockwell Commander 114, a Cessna 172M and a Piper Cherokee, and the Flight Flix RS tiedown ring worked well on all three of these aircraft.
The series will stream on Pureflix.com, a subsidiary of Pure Flix Entertainment, which focuses on faith-based and family entertainment.
And while Pure Flix, based in Arizona, has found some success with lowbudget Christianfilms and conservative documentaries, it is far from a Hollywood heavyweight.
Michael Scott, Managing Partner of Pure Flix, also joined the rest of the world in the successful rescue of those trapped in the cave in Thailand.
The second Cream-O Flix Fest truly satisfied everyone's sweet cravings and created an unforgettable experience for all Creamoholics.
Amaryllis will be the third feature-length film from Electric Flix. Psychological thriller Monochrome will receive its world premiere at Cinequest, USA in February 2017, and award-winning documentary The Last Projectionist won widespread critical acclaim, and was Mark Kermode's Film of the Week.
| Next performing: Rib Ticklers - Flix Movie Cafe, Hartlepool town centre.
* Expiration - by Film Festival Flix. Synopsis: everyone has an expiration date.
The short films were created by The Electric Cinema's in-house production company, Electric Flix. All ten films are now available to watch online at www.southsidestories.co.uk.
Zync is also bundling a free Big Flix subscription with the Cloud 5.
October 1, 1982Huddersfield nightspot Flix which had closed due to financial difficulties was due to reopen after it was sold.