

infested with fleas
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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In case you forgot, when police raided his home, they found it as flea-ridden and stench-filled as his Women's Medical Society abortion clinic--a place of unbearable smells where "You could tell there was death somewhere." What was Gosnell doing as police donned bio-hazard suits to investigate the basement (besides calling himself a "nice guy" for providing a bottle of flea repellent)?
This story takes you back to the time when Manny Pacquiao was still far removed from the glitz and glamor of Los Angeles and only stayed at the flea-ridden Vagabond Inn beside Wild Card Gym.
Because some pet owners aren't doing these things, it's a wormier, more flea-ridden world than it should be."
The one we have is so flea-ridden, disoriented and myopic, it's time to do the humane thing and put it to sleep.
Yn y nawdegau, mi wnaeth y Gweinidog Twristiaeth, gwer o'r enw John Brown, ddisgrifio'r coala fel "flea-ridden, piddling, stinking, scratching, rotten little things".
Then it was revealed that the London home he sold in 2008 was described as a "tip" by the new owners, who said the property was damp, filthy and flea-ridden - even though Joyce claimed pounds 120,000 in MP's expenses to maintain it.
Washington, Jun 30 (ANI): Troubled singer Amy Winehouse has infuriated management of the St Lucian resort where she is living after she insisted on bringing home flea-ridden stray dogs.
As a local County Councillor I am very much aware that there are also councillors in position in Haringey who were also probably in office when the social workers visited Baby P on 'numerous occasions' and where social workers had noted that the flat in which little Baby P was tortured and eventually murdered was a dirty, untidy, and flea-ridden flat which smelled of urine with dead mice and chicks lying around the place - apparently food for a snake - along with three dogs - one of which was a rottweiler as reported in Angharad Mair's excellent column in this very newspaper.
In fact, the scabbier and more flea-ridden the dog, the more we like to see it transcend its manginess and put one over on the bluebloods.
With petroleum being a finite resource, and a hevea supply that could be disrupted by nature, blight or politics, our future could be in the hands of flea-ridden orange peels.
Jen Blakemore, from Quick Kill Ltd in Bilston, near Wolverhampton, says the current muggy climate means more homeowners are returning from their holidays to a flea-ridden house.
As Jane copes with everyday living, she must endure tending to filthy men, her insecurities of the past, the tribulations of a budding romance, and living in a flea-ridden home.