fingertip search

Also found in: Medical, Idioms.
Related to fingertip search: put a finger on

fingertip search

a detailed search made by passing the fingers over the scene of a crime or incident
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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Officers from the Tactical Aid Unit carried out a fingertip search of grassland across from the house.
And there was a fingertip search of the semi-detached property.
A forensic team then conducted a fingertip search of the scene.
Police carried out a fingertip search of the area, in the shadow of City Hospital.
A Disaster Victim Identification (DVI) officer working on the Grenfell tower recovery operation described on Tuesday (July 11) how his team are conducting a "fingertip search" of the block of flats and using sieves to sift through debris to pick up human remains.
A fingertip search of the cordoned-off street of semidetached homes was being carried out by officers.
Forensic teams conducted a fingertip search of the dealer's home in Tower St George's Wharf where neighbours include Premier League footballers and city bankers.
The area was cordoned off as police carried out a fingertip search.
A TEENAGE soldier who carried out a fingertip search for Taliban bombs to rescue injured comrades from a heavily mined alley has been honoured for his bravery.
Police were granted a further 36 hours to quiz him as a fingertip search continued in Redgeland Wood in the Queensway area ofHastings, EastSussex.
Officers from the Tactical Aid Unit were later seen carrying out a fingertip search of the street and gardens.
A police cordon was put in place to protect the scene and scenes of crime officers conducted a fingertip search yesterday afternoon after snow had melted.