

informal an expression of admiration or enthusiasm
[C20: altered from fantastic; popularized by The Krankies, a Scottish comedy duo ]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
References in periodicals archive ?
Dawn: "What did The Krankies just say to you?" Jennifer: (pause) "They said fandabidozi."
We're not talking about 'fandabidozi' computers and cameras, just the ability for the man in the middle to refer dodgy decisions to the fourth official.
She accepts that many youngsters in the audience have no idea who the naughty schoolboy on stage is or where mum and dad learnt this peculiar new word Fandabidozi.
Paul O'Grady, Bill Oddie, Basil Brush, snooker's Willie Thorne & Tess Daly; Fandabidozi...
KRANKIES star Janette Tough is looking forward to a "fandabidozi" Christmas - a year after she was badly hurt in a panto accident.
Starz In My Eyes Journey South you are fandabidozi from Nigelena ballerina of costa st boro
The American actor will be ably assisted by Scottish comedy duo The Krankies, who return for a "fandabidozi" sixth season at the venue.
The Hoff takes on the role of panto's ultimate baddie Captain Hook and will be performing alongside family favourites The Krankies, who return for a "fandabidozi" sixth season at the venue.
"We go walking along the coast, go cycling, play golf - I play nine holes and fall down five," quips the diminutive comedienne, who introduced the word 'fandabidozi' to the national lexicon.
VOTING NO-NOS NOW songs you really shouldn't vote for are Fandabidozi from the Krankies who used to live in the city (get well soon Janette by the way), My Ding- A-Ling recorded at Tiff's from Chuck Berry, or I Wish I Could be Father Christmas by Terry Hall (no not that one) and Lenny the Lion.
I probably said something like, "Fandabidozi," when doing the exact same thing.