family Tetraonidae

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ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend: Tetraonidae - grouse
bird family - a family of warm-blooded egg-laying vertebrates characterized by feathers and forelimbs modified as wings
Galliformes, order Galliformes - pheasants; turkeys; grouse; partridges; quails; chickens; brush turkeys; curassows; hoatzins
grouse - popular game bird having a plump body and feathered legs and feet
genus Lyrurus, Lyrurus - black grouse
genus Lagopus, Lagopus - ptarmigans
genus Tetrao, Tetrao - type genus of the Tetraonidae: capercaillies
Canachites, genus Canachites - spruce grouse
Bonasa, genus Bonasa - ruffed grouse
genus Pedioecetes, Pedioecetes - sharp-tailed grouse
genus Tympanuchus, Tympanuchus - prairie chickens
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References in periodicals archive ?
Thus 'grouse biology' is not a scientific discipline, but rather the natural communication system of people who study birds of the grouse family Tetraonidae. Although grouse biologists have no dedicated journal equivalent to for example the Journal of Raptor Research, they can meet triennially at the International Grouse Symposia.