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(Anthropology & Ethnology) the extermination of a race
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Unlike those scholars who have promoted a view of the semi-autobiography as a stinging indictment of Pratt's program of forced acculturation, Krupat argues that Bonnin gives a much-sanitized version of boarding school life and Carlisle's "ethnocidal ideology," which leaves out many of the forms of ethnocide practiced at the school, such as name-changing (35).
(6) Indigenism in the twentieth-century has also been branded as exoticizing, exclusionary, paternalistic, and ostensibly, a means by which capitalist development absorbs indigenous communities--thus constituting a not-so-subtle form of ethnocide that apprehends the indigenous subjects as a "work-in-progress, an object of the ever-unfolding post-revolutionary task of cultural and economic modernization" (Taylor 3).
This in itself constitutes an unforgivable violation of Human Rights, as well as an ethnocide where a culture is killed, its sacred places are destroyed along with their religious culture."
2002 "Conquest, Tyranny, and Ethnocide against the Oromo." Northeast African Studies 9(3):15-49.
According to a report posted by the online publication Bulatlat, Carling was attending a conference on ethnocide and militarization in Mindanao in 1989 when she was arrested along with 15 other delegates.
President Rodrigo Duterte is not committing "ethnocide" amid his controversial proposal to open ancestral domains of indigenous peoples (IP) communities to investors, Malacanang assured Monday.
In this case, the "irreversible social and environmental destruction of a large area of the country and the ethnocide of the indigenous peoples who live there..." will result from "a decision taken by the president, with no public debate whatsoever in a country whose constitution defines society as 'democratic, participatory...
The Anarchist Federation (AFed) were originally the Anarchist-Communist Federation (ACF) and their website gives a class based analysis of racism as part of a system of oppression supporting 'working class struggles against racism, genocide, ethnocide and political and economic colonialism' and rejecting 'all forms of nationalism, as this only serves to redefine divisions in the international working class'.
The Bioarchaeology of Collapse: Ethnogenesis and Ethnocide in Post-Imperial Andahuaylas, Peru (AD 900-1250).
Willis, Anne Marie and Tony Fry 1988 'Art as ethnocide: the case of Australia', Third Text 2:3-20.