

(Physical Geography) relating to an estuary
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While the volume of water drained would likely increase with increased erosion of the outlet, onset of modern estuarian conditions can be determined from AMS dates and return of saline water to the area.
Organic-rich deposits ranging from shallow estuarian to ocean floor varieties act as a significant sink for a number of redox-sensitive elements (e.g.
Ecological consequence of high aluminium content in acidified estuarian (sic) waters: the case of tilapia fishes in lower Casamance (Senegal).
In its native Australian habitat it lives in brackish estuarian waters, but Australis has been flying in fingerlings from Australia and raising them on its Turner Falls farm, where it has won praise from environmentalists because the fish are raised in clean, enclosed tanks.
More extraordinary still is Brooke-Rose's registration of the varieties of London speech (or "Estuarian," as she calls it), ranging from educated bureaucratese through mildly "flavored" standard to immigrant variants to language is a great discovery, or invention, or whatever it is, and puzzling it out is not only one of the superior pleasures of this text but something like an exercise in sympathy and identification; in struggling to voice this notation, you find yourself imaginatively occupying the space of those whose speech it simulates.
Dan Harman, a biologist at the University of Maryland Center for Environmental and Estuarian Studies, and George Waring a zoologist at Southern Illinois University in Carbondale, both have studied how deer behave around highways.
The researchers measured the estuarian concentration of several different isotopes of plutonium (Pu), which binds to small particles in the water.
They obviously will have the incentive to make sure they raise the money to purchase those prairie potholes and those Delta estuarian wetlands.