escape route

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escape route

Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms. US Department of Defense 2005.

escape route

npercorso di fuga
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995
References in periodicals archive ?
'We have conducted checks on the entertainment centres around Perak for the past two weeks and found that most of them have inadequate escape routes.
RCB has declared that all high-rise buildings - which are ground-plus-three or higher - must submit to them documents relating to their firefighting system, emergency escape routes, Rescue 1122 Fire Safety Clearance Certificate, Fitness Certificate from the structural engineer, mechanical, electric and plumbing system SOP compliance certificate, completion certificate as per the approved building plan.
Opposition accuses government of looking for an escape route
Escape Route builds on Allstate's commitment to customer safety and is the latest of the company's fire safety initiatives.
Authorities are trying to open up a road that was blocked by lava in 2014 to serve as an alternative escape route should Highway 137 or another exit route, Highway 130, be blocked, Jessica Ferracane of the National Park Service told reporters.
- If fire or smoke blocks your escape route, find another way out.
Bondarev said that in addition to military, logistical and medical assistance the US has provided for the terrorists, now, when ISIL's defeat in Syria is close to completion, overseas sponsors are looking for their charges escape routes, RIA Novosti reported.
The Masiu Bridge was believed to lead to Lake Lanao and a possible escape route of remnants of Maute and Abu Sayyaf.
"People have gone head-to-head, but now if somebody makes a mistake or someone is having a bad day or is so bloodyminded there is at least an escape route for some poor innocent soul."
Kevin Gardner, area manager for community safety Tyne and Wear Fire and Rescue Service, said: "Stockroom safety, fire precautions, escape routes, slip and trip hazards, ladder and kick stools, waste storage are among the items that need to come under your scrutiny.
"The problem with these estates is that they are so open, you have got so many escape routes and the police can't catch them because they have got to come from four or five different angles.