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a hard rock, such as whinstone, that is resistant to a miner's pick
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Those hurt, including an Australian, were brought to hospitals in Jagna town and Tagbilaran City, according to PO3 Elvan Cadiz of the Garcia Hernandez Municipal Police Station.
St Elvan's Church in Aberdare is set to get a complete refurbishment, and a new "community heritage space" will also be created.
Sener sits behind his desk, flanked by his daughter Elvan who'll be doing the translating.
ANKARA, May 10 (KUNA) -- Turkey's Development Minister Lutfi Elvan called for customs reform among member-countries of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), official media reported Wednesday.
Walid bin Abdulkarim Al-Khuraiji separately met here today with Turkish Minister of Development Lutfi Elvan, and Minister of Customs and Trade Bulent Tufenkci.
RIYADH: Close on the heels of Crown Prince Mohammed bin Naif's visit to Turkey, Lutfi Elvan, Turkish minister of development will arrive in the Kingdom on Tuesday to pursue the agenda of cooperation in a more intensive manner.
TURKEY'S Minister of Development Lutfi Elvan underscored the strong economic and political ties between Qatar and Turkey and described Qatar a 'real friend' of his country.
Currently, Qatar ranks second in terms of investment size at $20bn (in Turkey), said al-Kuwari on Wednesday while addressing a Turkish trade delegation led by Minister of Development Lutfi Elvan.
Also, the parents of Berkin Elvan, who were killed during Gezi protests, attended the rally and they had photos taken with Can DE-ndar and Erdem GE-l.
Turkey's Elvan Abeylegesse, who won a 10,000m silver medal in Osaka, has been requested to provide a defence regarding her sample, which was recently retested.
Kiraz had been leading an investigation into the death last March of 15-year-old Berkin Elvan, who died nine months after falling into a coma from a head wound sustained from a police tear gas canister during anti-government protests in 2013.
Kiraz had been leading an investigation into the death last March of Berkin Elvan, 15, who died nine months after falling into a coma after being hit by a police teargas canister during anti-government protests in 2013.