eleventh chord

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eleventh chord

(Jazz) a chord much used in jazz, consisting of a major or minor triad upon which are superimposed the seventh, ninth, and eleventh above the root
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The opening piano motif of the first song, an upward arpeggio of an eleventh chord, suggests the eyes of those who see the poet's paleness: "Casting eyes upon my newfound paleness, people cannot help but think of death." The simple act of turning the flourish upside down transforms it into the gentle glance of Laura: "yet you were moved by pity: whereupon my heart, greeted so gently, clung to life." After the narrative opening of the vocal line, the voice sings a long rising melody that will recur in the piano part of this song and the last song--the "Laura" theme.
The chord structure is based on an eleventh chord of F-A-[C.sup.#]-[E.sup.b]-G- B from mm.
In measures 1-4 (Example 4), Capers utilizes major seventh, ninth, minor seventh and eleventh chords. This harmonic expansion introduces the intermediate student to various chord colors and possibilities, which is essential to broadening each student's musical aptitude.