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a fictitious secret society of free thinkers
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663) there are yet more papal names in the earlier part of the entry for 23 December, and he felt justified in reconstructing the following text: Romae Petri apostoli Lini Cleti Anacleti Evaristi Xysti Telesphori Hygini Aniceti Eleutheri Victoris Zephyrini Callisti Urbani Fabiani Cornelii Stephani Xyrti II Felicis Eutychiani Marcelli; and although there is no warrant in the surviving MSS for so doing, it would be tempting to fill in the remaining gaps to produce a papal list complete from Peter to Marcellus, inserted for no very obvious reason on 23 December by some copyist of the Martyrology (similar lists or partial lists of popes occur on 9 August and 31 December).