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v. ate (āt), eat·en (ēt′n), eat·ing, eats
a. To take into the body by the mouth for digestion or absorption.
b. To take in and absorb as food: a plant that eats insects; a cell that eats bacteria.
c. To include habitually or by preference in one's diet: a bird that eats insects, fruit, and seeds; stopped eating red meat on advice from her doctor.
2. To destroy, ravage, or use up by or as if by ingesting: "Covering news in the field eats money" (George F. Will).
3. To erode or corrode: waves that ate away the beach; an acid that eats the surface of a machine part.
4. To produce by eating: Moths ate holes in our sweaters.
5. Slang To absorb the cost or expense of: "You can eat your loss and switch the remaining money to other investment portfolios" (Marlys Harris).
6. Informal To bother or annoy: What's eating him?
7. Vulgar slang To perform cunnilingus or anilingus on. Often used with out.
a. To consume food.
b. To have or take a meal.
2. To exercise a consuming or eroding effect: a drill that ate away at the rock; exorbitant expenses that were eating into profits.
3. To cause persistent annoyance or distress: "How long will it be before the frustration eats at you?" (Howard Kaplan).
Phrasal Verb:
eat up Slang
1. To receive or enjoy enthusiastically or avidly: She really eats up the publicity.
2. To believe without question: He'll eat up whatever the broker tells him.
eat crow
To be forced to accept a humiliating defeat.
eat (one's) heart out
1. To feel bitter anguish or grief.
2. To be consumed by jealousy.
eat (one's) words
To retract something that one has said.
eat out of (someone's) hand
To be manipulated or dominated by another.
eat (someone) alive Slang
To overwhelm or defeat thoroughly: an inexperienced manager who was eaten alive in a competitive corporate environment.

[Middle English eten, from Old English etan; see ed- in Indo-European roots.]

eat′er n.
Synonyms: eat, consume, devour, ingest
These verbs mean to take food into the body by the mouth: ate a hearty dinner; greedily consumed the sandwich; hyenas devouring their prey; whales ingesting krill.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.eater - someone who consumes food for nourishmenteater - someone who consumes food for nourishment
consumer - a person who uses goods or services
devourer - someone who eats greedily or voraciously
diner - a person eating a meal (especially in a restaurant)
dunker - an eater who dips food into a liquid before eating it; "he was a dunker--he couldn't eat a doughnut without a cup of coffee to dunk it in"
glutton, gourmand, gourmandizer, trencherman - a person who is devoted to eating and drinking to excess
gobbler - a hasty eater who swallows large mouthfuls
luncher - someone who is eating lunch
mouth - a person conceived as a consumer of food; "he has four mouths to feed"
mycophage, mycophagist - a person or animal who eats fungi (especially mushrooms)
nosher, snacker - someone who eats lightly or eats snacks between meals
omnivore - a person who eats all kinds of foods
picknicker, picnicker - a person who is picnicking
gorger, scoffer - someone who eats food rapidly and greedily
vegetarian - eater of fruits and grains and nuts; someone who eats no meat or fish or (often) any animal products
2.eater - any green goods that are good to eat; "these apples are good eaters"
garden truck, green goods, green groceries, produce - fresh fruits and vegetable grown for the market
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.


[ˈiːtəʳ] N
1. (= person) to be a big eatertener siempre buen apetito, ser comilón
I'm not a big eateryo como bastante poco
2. (= apple) → manzana f de mesa
Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005


[ˈiːtər] nmangeur/euse m/f
a fussy eater → une personne difficile sur la nourriture meat-eater
Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005


Esser(in) m(f)
(= apple)Essapfel m
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007


[ˈiːtəʳ] n a big eaterun(a) gran mangiatore/trice, una buona forchetta
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995
References in classic literature ?
The Marionettes recognize their brother Pinocchio, and greet him with loud cheers; but the Director, Fire Eater, happens along and poor Pinocchio almost loses his life
"There hasn't been a man eater around here for two years, Bwana says, and the game is so plentiful that there is no necessity to drive Numa to human flesh.
From this Hanson knew that a man eater had wandered into the district or been developed by the aging of one of the many lions who ranged the plains and hills by night, or lay up in the cool wood by day.
Whenever the people grumbled too loudly the Bug sang a new song, and Big-Fat said it was God's word that we should kill Meat- Eaters, and Tiger-Face led us over the divide to kill and be killed.
I stole a wife from the Meat- Eaters, and went to live in the caves of the high mountains where they could not find me.
"And now, children, bless you, you are now members of the clan of Abalone Eaters, and I solemnly enjoin you, never, no matter what the circumstances, pound abalone meat without chanting the sacred words I have revealed unto you."
Next Sunday the Tribe of Abalone Eaters will descend upon you here in Bierce's Cove, and you will be able to see the rites, the writers and writeresses, down even to the Iron Man with the basilisk eyes, vulgarly known as the King of the Sacerdotal Lizards."
Is he not the Cave-Bear Pot-Walloper and Gridironer, the most fearsome, and, next to me, the most exalted, of all the Abalone Eaters?"
Below him a little were the vanguard of the deer; below these, again, the pig and the wild buffalo; and on the opposite bank, where the tall trees came down to the water's edge, was the place set apart for the Eaters of Flesh--the tiger, the wolves, the panther, the bear, and the others.
Now and again they asked some question of the Eaters of Flesh across the river, but all the news was bad, and the roaring hot wind of the Jungle came and went between the rocks and the rattling branches, and scattered twigs, and dust on the water.
Never again would he eat their fruit; but from that day he revenged himself upon the deer, and the others, the Eaters of Grass," said Baloo.
The Taiwan-based TKK Fried Chicken chain has been named among the 25 best fried chicken brands in New York, according to gourmet website Eater (New York).