easy game

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easy game


easy mark

informal a person who is easily deceived or taken advantage of
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So the duke had more than enough to think about; accordingly he fared at chess as he had fared at tennis; he made blunder upon blunder and the officer with whom he played found him easy game.
"They're a young, energetic side and the management team did a great job when they took over last year, so make no mistake it's not going to be an easy game, but as I've said before there won't be many easy games in this league."
look at the in the this year, easy game Cardiffmanager "When you look at the teams in the Championship this year, there's not an easy game.
| Bryan Hughes is not expecting an easy game They went down to a 4-0 loss at home on Saturday to Hartlepool United.
'It was not an easy game as they were determined to overturn the scoreline.'
'I think any opponent facing Wazito will have an easy game while the opposite is true.
need to going and game on Saturday is a massive one for us." Dummett " Dummett also revealed boss Rafa Benitez will not let his players get ahead of themselves.He added: "He drills that into us daily, that it will not be an easy game.
We haven't easy game hopefully we on with the been The flying No.7, who joined Mose from Championship outfit Rotherham over the summer, spent some of his formative years in National One with Birmingham & Solihull Bees, and he has been impressed by how much playing standards have increased during his time in Yorkshire.
There is no easy game here, be it in the AFC Champions League or the AGL.
"Maybe 20 or 30 years ago a game between an England and an Estonia or Luxembourg would be an easy game.
We had not done it for eight years, so their form is good and it will not be an easy game," he said.