earthenware jar

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Noun1.earthenware jar - an earthen jar (made of baked clay)earthenware jar - an earthen jar (made of baked clay)
jar - a vessel (usually cylindrical) with a wide mouth and without handles
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References in classic literature ?
On the table were a loaf of black bread, an earthenware jar containing honey, a pitcher of milk and two drinking horns.
Food too was ready for us, and so soon as we had washed ourselves with water, which stood ready in earthenware jars, some young women of handsome appearance brought us roasted meats, and mealie cobs daintily served on wooden platters, and presented them to us with deep obeisances.
Early in the novel, when the Viet Minh enter her village to enlist support against the French, her mother hides her in an earthenware jar; her French blood is a betrayal of the nation and a reminder of its subjugation.
In 19th-century illustrations of Filipino homes, you will often see a large earthenware jar or tapayan (in Malay, tempayan) at the entrance of homes with a dipper for washing one's feet before entering.
Sa Anak ng Bayan by Emilio Jacinto Equally splendid is a Lorenzo Guerrero, dated 1868, Manila, which would best be described as "Tuba Sellers." An earthenware jar filled with this brew is in the foreground.
The Korean earthenware jar facilitated this process as the container was breathable with many small pores (1 to 20 [micro]m) that allowed relatively more gas transfer into the samples than plastic or glass jars would have done [21].
Remembering (2009) consists of 9,010 backpacks of students, who died when an eight-magnitude earthquake hit Sichuan in 2008 while Coca-Cola's logo (2007), which is embossed on a Neolithic earthenware jar (that he found in a flea market), is obviously anti-multinational.
The mission also unearthed an earthenware jar with a skeleton of an infant inside.
They dug up all sorts of things, among them, a little creamcoloured cup depicting Victorian children throwing snowballs and a large earthenware jar which became the fat jar.
In an earthenware jar, combine all of the ingredients and season.