dwindle down

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Related to dwindle down: bedeviling, protrusions
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Verb1.dwindle down - become smaller or lose substance; "Her savings dwindled down"
decrease, diminish, lessen, fall - decrease in size, extent, or range; "The amount of homework decreased towards the end of the semester"; "The cabin pressure fell dramatically"; "her weight fell to under a hundred pounds"; "his voice fell to a whisper"
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With the nefarious strategy, the Palestinian population will dwindle down to around 15 percent if the Israelis succeeded in changing the demography of Jerusalem.
Lee was the game's Best Player on Wednesday, hitting a big triple in the stretch just as the Hotshots seemed ready to implode after seeing a 20-point lead dwindle down to nine.
Last but not certainly least, the Saxons would need to overcome a pugnacious Conant challenge that saw a 10-point lead dwindle down to only 2 over the final 3:21 that needed a pair of Michael Hodges free throws to preserve a 45-41 victory at Perry Gym.
This system has also proved a milestone in smashing the terrorists' dens, identity of suspects without putting the innocent general public in trouble and thus ultimately led to dwindle down terrorism cases in the province.
This system has also proved a milestone in smashing the terrorists 'dens, identity of suspects without putting the innocent general public in trouble and thus ultimately led to dwindle down terrorism cases in the province.
aging power plants and it heavily relies on hydropower which is subjected to weather patterns, with only two megawatts allowance drought occurrences our supply will dwindle down,' said Velasco, adding that the company has secured contracts with other companies.
The Green Archers are under pressure to win against the Falcons as they hope to avoid being down a game to their rivals, while also seeing their lead over reigning champion National University dwindle down to also a game after NU's victory over Adamson last Wednesday.
Elegiac, quietly eloquent, Haruf's last novel (he died in November) looks right into the heart of love, friendship, true intimacy and new possibilities even as "the days dwindle down to a precious few."
The Rockets led early in the fourth quarter only to watch their double digit lead dwindle down due to the efforts of Marc Gasol (29 points, 8 rebounds), Vince Carter who had a pair of triples in the final quarter to inch his team closer, and Beno Udrih who was fantastic off the bench with 17 markers.
"As a Division III basketball program, you need to literally recruit hundreds of athletes each year in order to dwindle down the list of recruits to 30-40 or so after some have chosen other schools at higher levels.
As time starts to dwindle down, they must act quickly and use everything they learned to survive.
Telecommunication and broadcasting towers erected in Kurdistan city skies soon dwindle down to one tower serving all stations.