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Noun1.drygoods - textiles or clothing and related merchandise
commodity, trade good, good - articles of commerce
men's furnishings, haberdashery - the drygoods sold by a haberdasher
household linen, white goods - drygoods for household use that are typically made of white cloth
plural, plural form - the form of a word that is used to denote more than one
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I started a drygoods store on Market Square, and I prospered well.
It was his idea that I was at a loose end, and that he would do me a good turn by offering me a clerkship in a drygoods store."
This was the best store we had come across yet; it had everything in it, in small quantities, from anvils and drygoods all the way down to fish and pinchbeck jewelry.
There was empty drygoods boxes under the awnings, and loafers roosting on them all day long, whittling them with their Barlow knives; and chawing tobacco, and gaping and yawning and stretching -- a mighty ornery lot.
Groceries, toy-shops, drygoods stores, with their immense panes of plate-glass, their gorgeous fixtures, their vast and complete assortments of merchandise, in which fortunes had been invested; and those noble mirrors at the farther end of each establishment, doubling all this wealth by a brightly burnished vista of unrealities!
He had by this time climbed up from his bottle-washing to be a clerk in a drygoods store in Washington; but he was still poor and as unpractical as most in- ventors.
Products and Services: StackTek Is an Innovative single serve solution for wine or drygoods. This container has the properties of glass with the lightweight and shatterproof qualities of plastic.
The company offers tropical and coldwater aquarium fish, saltwater fish and invertebrates, marine corals and live rock, aquatic plants, amphibians, reptiles, small animals, drygoods, live food, and testers.
Sugar beets add an appley sweetness and complexity; the use of oak hearkens back to when the illicit spirit was hidden in drygoods barrels; there is no char to the oak and the spirit is clear.
Bardwil Linens included bamboo towels in its new Kitchen Drygoods collection, a line of basics in nine solid colors.