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[ˈdrʌmkɪt] Nbatería f
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'He's got a drumkit at his house so we tend to have a little play on that, which is great fun.'
The Dudley school's 11-piece resident band of 14 to 17 year-olds, Krooked Az, played a set of original songs at the event at Birmingham's PMT music shop, featuring a drumkit bought with last year's pounds 2,000 prize money.
com will be entered into a draw to win Phil's five-piece cherry-red Premier XPK drumkit that featured on their hit Paranoid Android.
Although Jimi is the main singer live and in the studio, he sometimes takes Jez's place behind the drumkit while Jez or Andy take centre stage.
Among these avant-garde experiments were a cappella offshoot Zubi Zura X and the one-man Ruins, which consisted of the supremely talented Yoshida Tatsuya, his drumkit and a sampler.
'I can remember playing in a skiffle group when I was 16 or 17, where the bass player had a tea chest, a pole and a piece of string, and I had a drumkit that Mickey Mouse would have been proud of.
The indie disco route taken at 100m sprint pace, with the drummer knocking seven shades of Shinola out of the drumkit, the guitarist on some mad high spiral and the singer urging a dancefloor mash-up.
Al Sharpe plays his bulkily vintage drumkit very softly, but with purposeful intent,embellished by strategically placed woodblock plunks.
Liam's desire to be in a band rather than solo didn't become a reality until he bought a drumkit and loaned it to his neighour and childhood pal, Michael Campbell.
The jazz saxophonist Iain Ballamy had brought three friends along: guitarist John Parricelli, Dudley Phillips on electric sixstring bass, and Paul Clarvis with his minimalist drumkit; Indian classical tabla player Sarvar Sabri had alongside him his younger brother Kamal on sarangi (a bowed Indian violin played vertically), singer Sanchita Pal and pianist Mark Lockett.
"One time, our drummer Ken Andrew fell asleep at his drumkit and fell off the stool.
We're told: "Mike and his crew had several bottles of spirits attached to the drumkit. Even though he was getting a great reception he decided that the girls in the front row weren't getting into it enough so he offered some of his bevvies around."