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a. A substance used in the diagnosis, treatment, or prevention of a disease or as a component of a medication.
b. Such a substance as recognized or defined by the US Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act.
2. A chemical substance, such as a narcotic or hallucinogen, that affects the central nervous system, causing changes in behavior and often addiction.
3. Obsolete A chemical or dye.
tr.v. drugged, drug·ging, drugs
a. To administer a drug to, especially to treat pain or induce anesthesia.
b. To give a drug to, especially surreptitiously, in order to induce stupor.
2. To poison or mix (food or drink) with a drug.

[Middle English drogge, from Old French drogue, drug, perhaps from Middle Dutch droge (vate), dry (cases), pl. of drog, dry.]
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


Medicine. a substance added to a medicinal preparation to assist the action of the principal ingredient.
an obsession with alcohol.
1. apharmacy.
2. a pharmacist.
a condition of chronic poisoning caused by excessive use of barbiturates.
1. addiction to marijuana.
2. a toxic condition caused by excessive use of marijuana.
the introduction of drugs into the body by means of an electric current.
a condition caused by the habitual use of chloroform.
a toxic condition owing to excessive use of cinchona and marked by headache, dizziness, and ringing in the ears. Also called quininism, quinism.
a branch of pharmacology that studies cinchona and its derivatives, as quinine and quinidine. Also called quinology.
the condition of being addicted to cocaine.
a toxic condition caused by smoking cubeb or Java pepper, formerly dried and crushed for medicinal purposes.
Obsolete Pharmacy. a mixture of four medicines in syrup or honey.
dosiology. See also measurement; radiation. — dosimetrist, n. — dosimetric, dosimetrical, adj.
the study and determination of the doses in which medicines should be administered. Also called dosimetry.
a preparation consisting of pulverized medication mixed with honey.
a mania for ether.
a book or Hst of medicines, with formulas and instructions for their preparation.
any substance that stimulates the production and flow of milk. — galactopoietic, adj.
a substance that induces hallucinations. — hallucinogenic, adj.
tincture of opium or any preparation, especially in liquid form, in which opium is the main ingredient.
a mania for narcotics.
a pharmaceutical preparation in which precipitated matter is suspended in a watery substance. See also geology. — magmatic, adj.
an addiction to opium; opium eating. Also called meconophagism.
Rare. a treatise on the opium poppy.
the condition produced by the excessive use of morphine. — morphinist, n.
an addiction to and intense craving for morphine. Also morphinmania.
hypnosis with the aid of drugs.
an abnormal desire for drugs.
a condition of stupor or unconsciousness induced by drugs.
a form of treatment for mental illness that involves placing the patient under the influence of a narcotic.
1. the narcosis or narcoma induced by drugs.
2. an addiction to drugs.
an addiction to opium.
the habitual use of opium.
the excessive and habitual use of opium.
the science of pharmacy or pharmacology.
the division of pharmacology concerned with the action and breakdown of drugs in the body. — pharmacodynamic, pharmacodynamical, adj.
the branch of pharmacology that studies the composition, use, and history of drugs. — pharmacognosist, n. — pharmacognostic, adj.
the description of drugs and their effects.
the branch of medical science that studies the preparation, uses, and effects of drugs. — pharmacologist, n. — pharmacologic, pharmacological, adj.
the branch of medical science that studies drugs and medicinal preparations. — parmacopedic, adj.
an abnormal fear of drugs.
a book, usually of an official nature, containing a list of approved drugs and medicines, with information regarding their properties, preparation, and use. Also called antidotary.
2. a pharmacist’s stock of drugs.
an apothecary or pharmacist.
1. the art of preparing drugs and medicines, especially the discovery of new varieties.
2. the place where drugs are prepared, dispensed, or sold. Also called apothecary.
3. a drug therapy. — pharmacist, n.
1. an excessive tendency to drink alcoholic beverages.
2. delirium tremens. Also called tromomania.
a medicine or other substance that causes or stimulates sweating. Also called diaphoretic, hidrotic.sudorific, adj.
the joint action of agents, as drugs, that, taken together, produce a greater effect than the sum of their individual effects. — synergistic, adj.
addietion to tobacco; poisoning from excessive use of tobacco. Also tobaccoism.
the habitual use of tea.
a compound of sixty-four drugs made into an electuary, formerly used as an antidote for poison. Also called Venice Treacle. — theriac, theriacal, therial, adj.
Pharmacy. a medicinal substance in soluble form, especially in a solution of alcohol.
an addietion to drugs, especially opium or cocaine.
-Ologies & -Isms. Copyright 2008 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.


drugs raid
nDrogenrazzia f
drugs ring
nDrogen(händler)ring m
drugs test
nDopingtest m
drugs testing
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007
References in classic literature ?
One of the facts quickly rumored was that Lydgate did not dispense drugs. This was offensive both to the physicians whose exclusive distinction seemed infringed on, and to the surgeon-apothecaries with whom he ranged himself; and only a little while before, they might have counted on having the law on their side against a man who without calling himself a London-made M.D.
How can it be that my drugs have no power to charm you?
'I have, too, our drugs which loosen humours of the head in hot and angry men.
"I can cure it, I think, and without drugs," was Martin's answer.
I was wondering if as you're doctoring yourself you couldn't get me the drugs cheaper.
Officially, at large gatherings, everyone said that Countess Bezukhova had died of a terrible attack of angina pectoris, but in intimate circles details were mentioned of how the private physician of the Queen of Spain had prescribed small doses of a certain drug to produce a certain effect; but Helene, tortured by the fact that the old count suspected her and that her husband to whom she had written (that wretched, profligate Pierre) had not replied, had suddenly taken a very large dose of the drug, and had died in agony before assistance could be rendered her.
He sold a drug, pretending that it was an antidote to all poisons, and obtained a great name for himself by long-winded puffs and advertisements.
He had succumbed to the influence of the same drug that had been mixed with our food.
When Will Hurley, a middle-aged man who clerked in a drug store and who also belonged to the church, offered to walk home with her she did not protest.
The physician went to his house and made a polo club, the handle of which he hollowed out, and put in it the drug he wished to use.
This drug is wanted bitter bad, sir, whatever for."
"Possibly, but strychnine is a fairly rapid drug in its action.