drive-by download

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Related to drive-by download: Rootkit

drive-by download

(Computer Science) an incidence of an unwanted program being automatically downloaded to a computer, often without the user's knowledge
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References in periodicals archive ?
Kaspersky noted that a drive-by download attack requires no action on the part of the internet user.
Internet users in the Philippines continued to be victimized by cybercriminals through a method called drive-by download, according to KSN.
Web threats include drive-by download that refers to the unintentional download of malicious code to one's computer or mobile device leaving it open to a cyberattack.
Under exploiting vulnerabilities in browsers and their plugins (drive-by download), the infection took place when visiting an infected website, without any intervention from the user and without their knowledge.
Drive-by download pages can cause malware to automatically download and infect your device.
First, the attackers penetrate the perimeter but more than likely, they execute a successful drive-by download or launch a phishing attack to compromise a user's system and establish a foothold inside the network; all the while flying 'under the radar' of many traditional security defenses.
A user would have to be tricked into opening a specially-crafted web page, such as through a drive-by download or a link in an email.
Thanks to a sneaky method of intrusion known as a drive-by download, more users are finding themselves locked out of their machines after visiting sites that spring ransomware onto their computers without requiring them to activate the hack in any way (clicking a link, entering user credentials, etc.).
It includes websites that push "drive-by download'' malware onto unsuspecting visitors and "ransomware'' that encrypts the data on your computer, then charges you to get it back.
It can be exploited by an attacker via a drive-by download, a term for loading a website with attack code that delivers malware to a victim's computer if the person merely visits the website.
(2009b: 11) elaborate on such a solution when they "[...] propose to have defense mechanisms built into the browser itself to mitigate the threats that arise from drive-by download attacks." Such built-in security takes into consideration the limited ability of consumers to protect themselves against the most recent threats in the digital world.