down feather

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Noun1.down feather - soft fine feathers
feather, plumage, plume - the light horny waterproof structure forming the external covering of birds
duck down - down of the duck
goose down - down of the goose
swan's down - down of the swan
plumule - down feather of young birds; persists in some adult birds
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References in classic literature ?
From one point a thin white thread of vapour rose slantingly to an immense height, and then frayed out like a down feather. We were now within the embrace of a broad bay flanked on either hand by a low promontory.
People like you, ma'am, accustomed from infancy to lie on Down feathers, have no idea how hard a paving-stone is, without trying it.
The down feather branches float free, trapping air to provide more insulation - they're warmer than wool and cheaper too - and they also provide a pleasing nap character in the denim."
The beds have award-winning mattresses and down feather duvets with a choice of pillows.
In areas where humidity levels are high, duck down feather should be avoided.
The Shakespeare writer's chair, with its fluid lines and duck down feather cushions in loose linen covers is ideal for reading, relaxing and creative thinking.
The Shakespeare writers' chair, with its fluid lines and duck down feather cushions in loose linen covers is ideal for reading, relaxing and creative thinking.
In goose, all primary (generating contour feather) and few secondary feather follicles (generating down feather) formed completely during embryonic stage, but the former was formed 5-6 d earlier than the later.
Pacific Coast Feather's shop, for example, provides information on its down comforters, down feather pillows and feather beds.
Its purpose, researchers have speculated, is to slow down feather wear and make the feathers flexible and water resistant.