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1. Twice as much in size, strength, number, or amount: a double dose.
2. Composed of two like parts: double doors.
3. Composed of two unlike parts; dual: a double meaning; a double role for an actor.
4. Accommodating or designed for two: a double bed; a double room.
5. Characterized by duplicity; deceitful: speak with a double tongue.
6. Botany Having many more than the usual number of petals, usually in a crowded or an overlapping arrangement: a double chrysanthemum.
1. Something increased twofold.
2. One that closely resembles another; a duplicate.
a. Something having two identifiable or prominent parts or members.
b. Something capable of carrying, moving, or holding two people or things, as a mattress.
a. An actor's understudy.
b. An actor who takes the place of another actor in scenes requiring special skills or preparations: a stunt double; a body double.
5. An apparition; a wraith.
a. A sharp turn in a direction of movement; a reversal.
b. A sharp, often devious change in position or argument; a shift.
7. doubles Sports A form of a game, such as tennis or handball, having two players on each side.
8. Baseball A hit enabling the batter to reach second base. Also called two-bagger, two-base hit.
9. Games
a. A bid in bridge indicating strength to one's partner; a request for a bid.
b. A bid doubling one's opponent's bid in bridge, thus increasing the penalty for failure to fulfill the contract.
c. A hand justifying such a bid.
v. dou·bled, dou·bling, dou·bles
1. To make twice as great.
2. To be twice as much as: doubled the score of his opponent.
3. To fold in two.
4. To clench (one's fist).
5. To duplicate; repeat.
6. To turn (an enemy spy) into a double agent.
7. Baseball
a. To cause the scoring of (a run) by hitting a double.
b. To advance or score (a runner) by hitting a double.
c. To put out (a runner) as the second part of a double play.
8. Games To challenge (an opponent's bid) with a double in bridge.
9. Music To duplicate (another part or voice) an octave higher or lower or in unison.
10. Nautical To sail around: double a cape.
1. To be increased twofold: The debt soon doubled.
2. To turn sharply or all the way around; reverse one's course: had to double back to touch the missed base.
3. To serve in an additional capacity: a frying pan that doubles as a pie tin; a conductor who doubles as a pianist.
4. To replace an actor in the actor's absence or in a certain scene.
5. Baseball To hit a double.
6. Games To announce a double in bridge.
1. To twice the amount or extent; doubly: paid double for the customized car.
2. Two together; in pairs: sleeping double.
3. In two: bent double.
Phrasal Verb:
double up
1. To bend suddenly, as in pain or laughter.
2. To share accommodations meant for one person.
on/at the double
1. Immediately.
2. In double time.

[Middle English, from Old French, from Latin duplus; see dwo- in Indo-European roots.]

dou′ble·ness n.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


1. (Tennis) (functioning as plural)
a. a game between two pairs of players, as in tennis, badminton, etc
b. (as modifier): a doubles player.
2. (Badminton) (functioning as plural)
a. a game between two pairs of players, as in tennis, badminton, etc
b. (as modifier): a doubles player.
3. (Squash & Fives) (functioning as plural)
a. a game between two pairs of players, as in tennis, badminton, etc
b. (as modifier): a doubles player.
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.doubles - badminton played with two players on each sidedoubles - badminton played with two players on each side
badminton - a game played on a court with light long-handled rackets used to volley a shuttlecock over a net
2.doubles - tennis played with two players on each side
lawn tennis, tennis - a game played with rackets by two or four players who hit a ball back and forth over a net that divides the court
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
مُباراه ثُنائِيّه
tvíliîaleikur; tvenndarleikur


[ˈdʌbəlz] n (TENNIS)double m
to play mixed doubles → jouer en double mixtedouble-sided [ˌdʌbəlˈsaɪdɪd] adj [computer disk] → double face
Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005


n sing or pl (Sport) → Doppel nt; to play doublesim Doppel spielen
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007


[ˈdʌblz] npl (Tennis) → doppio
a game of mixed/ladies' doubles → un doppio misto/femminile
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995


(ˈdabl) adjective
1. of twice the (usual) weight, size etc. A double whisky, please.
2. two of a sort together or occurring in pairs. double doors.
3. consisting of two parts or layers. a double thickness of paper; a double meaning.
4. for two people. a double bed.
1. twice. I gave her double the usual quantity.
2. in two. The coat had been folded double.
1. a double quantity. Whatever the women earn, the men earn double.
2. someone who is exactly like another. He is my father's double.
1. to (cause to) become twice as large or numerous. He doubled his income in three years; Road accidents have doubled since 1960.
2. to have two jobs or uses. This sofa doubles as a bed.
ˈdoubles noun singular
or noun plural in tennis etc, a kind of match with two players on each side. I enjoy playing doubles; (also adjective) a doubles match.
double agent
a spy paid by each of two countries hostile to each other.
double bass (beis)
a type of large stringed instrument, the largest and deepest in sound of the violin family.
ˌdouble-ˈbedded adjective
containing a double bed. a double-bedded room.
double-ˈcheck verb
to check something again. double-check the results of the experiment.
ˌdouble-ˈcross verb
to betray (someone for whom one has already arranged to do something deceitful).
ˌdouble-ˈdealing noun
cheating and deceitfulness.
cheating. You double-dealing liar!
ˌdouble-ˈdecker noun
a bus etc having two decks or levels.
a double-decker bus.
ˌdouble-ˈDutch noun
nonsense. You're talking double-Dutch!
double figures
the numbers between 10 and 99. The number of times you have been late is well into double figures.
ˌdouble-ˈquick adjective, adverb
very quick(ly). Get here double-quick / in double-quick time!
at the double
very quickly. He came up the road at the double and rushed into the house.
double back
to turn and go back the way one came. The fox doubled back and went down a hole.
double up
1. to (cause to) bend or collapse suddenly at the waist. We (were) doubled up with laughter; He received a blow in the stomach which doubled him up.
2. to join up in pairs. There weren't enough desks, so some pupils had to double up.
see double
to see two images of everything instead of only one. When I first met the twins, I thought I was seeing double, they were so alike.
Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.
References in classic literature ?
The waking Flintwinch was the old original; the sleeping Flintwinch was the double. just as she might have distinguished between a tangible object and its reflection in a glass, Affery made out this difference with her head going round and round.
SOCRATES: And now try and tell me the length of the line which forms the side of that double square: this is two feet--what will that be?
Thus it will be a double glory for him to have established a new principality, and adorned and strengthened it with good laws, good arms, good allies, and with a good example; so will it be a double disgrace to him who, born a prince, shall lose his state by want of wisdom.
Geometrical Details.--Calculation of the Capacity of the Balloon.--The Double Receptacle.--The Covering.--The Car.--The Mysterious Apparatus.
A well constructed plot should, therefore, be single in its issue, rather than double as some maintain.
At once the Bell Company came over to Vail's point of view, bought his new line, and launched out upon what seemed to be the foolhardy enterprise of stringing a double wire from Boston to New York.
Many spectres have been raised out of this power of internal taxation, to excite the apprehensions of the people: double sets of revenue officers, a duplication of their burdens by double taxations, and the frightful forms of odious and oppressive poll-taxes, have been played off with all the ingenious dexterity of political legerdemain.
He would double the quirt in his hand and, the instant of the whirl, that doubled quirt would rap Bob on the nose.
"Wonder if he can turn the double flip," he added, expressing the golden dream of all dog-trainers.
There doth the heart become giddy through its double will.
And fate served our Canadian so well that, instead of one whale, he harpooned two with a double blow, striking one straight to the heart, and catching the other after some minutes' pursuit.
While Mr Brass by turns overwhelmed his clerk with compliments and inspected the ten-pound note, Miss Sally showed little emotion and that of no pleasurable kind, for as the tendency of her legal practice had been to fix her thoughts on small gains and gripings, and to whet and sharpen her natural wisdom, she was not a little disappointed that the single gentleman had obtained the lodgings at such an easy rate, arguing that when he was seen to have set his mind upon them, he should have been at the least charged double or treble the usual terms, and that, in exact proportion as he pressed forward, Mr Swiveller should have hung back.