double gold

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Noun1.double gold - very tall branching herb with showy much-doubled yellow flower headsdouble gold - very tall branching herb with showy much-doubled yellow flower heads
genus Rudbeckia, Rudbeckia - North American perennial herbs with showy cone-shaped flower heads
cutleaved coneflower, Rudbeckia laciniata - tall leafy plant with erect branches ending in large yellow flower heads with downward-arching rays; grow in Rocky Mountains south to Arizona and east to the Atlantic coast
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References in periodicals archive ?
KELLY Holmes won our admiration when she took double gold at the Athens Olympics.
KELLY Holmes, the double gold medal hero at the Athens Olympics, is to parade her talents at the 54th Annual Cork City Sports at the Mardyke next July.
BRITAIN'S Oympic stars, including double gold medal list Kelly Holmes, rower Matthew Pinsent and boxer Amir Khan were returning to a heroes' welcome at Gatwick airport today.
Freeman took 15 months off following her double gold at Sydney in 2000 but has since been troubled by a stress fracture of the thigh.
The story of the day will undoubtedly be Holmes' final hurrah north of the border as she kicks off her farewell season in the sport.We will ask our winner to write a 200word report including quotes from Britain's double gold medal-winning star.
The 16-year-old Scot, an 800m and 1500m specialist, was one of an elite group of eight chosen to attend double gold medalist Kelly Holmes at her training camp in South Africa last October.
Warrington's Samurai Judo Club, which helped produce stars such as Olympic bronze medalist Neil Eckersley and Commonwealth Games double gold medalist Carl Finney, can build a new home in Wellfield Street, Whitecross.
Derrick Holmes, who hasn't seen his double gold medallist daughter since 1989, was sentenced to two years.
They will join double gold medallist Kelly Holmes, oarsman Matthew Pinsent and teenage boxing sensation Amir Khan.
Jonathon Desmond (Sefton) took double gold in the Wheelchair 100 and 800 metre events, his sister Helen was a member of the Sefton Basketball squad.
What he did say was that the Olympic double gold medallist could earn between pounds 10-pounds 25m before the next Olympics.
Ethiopia's Kenenisa Bekele is running for double gold for the third time in a row, competing in both the4kmand12km races, while compatriot Edith Masai, 36, is aiming to claim a first-ever three-in-a-row in the women's4km championship.