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1. contraction of do not.
2. Nonstandard (except in some dialects). contraction of does not.
3. don'ts, a list of practices to be avoided. Compare do 1 (def. 43).
usage: As a contraction for does not, don't first appeared in writing in the latter half of the 17th century and remained standard in both speech and writing through the 18th. During the 19th century, under pressure from those who preferred doesn't in that use, don'tgradually became less frequent in writing but remained common in speech. Widely considered nonstandard, it still occurs in the informal speech and the personal writing of many Americans, including the well educated, esp. in the Midland and Southern dialects.
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in classic literature ?
"C' est bien pour un garcon de rein comme cet individu dont vous avez fait un ami, mais pas pour vous, pas pour vous.*[2] Only a hobbledehoy could amuse himself in this way," he added in Russian- but pronouncing the word with a French accent- having noticed that Zherkov could still hear him.
I dont know what he said so I cant right it but Miss Jemima Parr blushed that is turned red and nodded her head.
(sauvages) ont la manie de preferer les chemins, et le bord des routes pour deposer leurs excremens, dont on trouve des monceaux dans ces endroits." Does this not partly explain the circumstance?
Mutandis a une forme juridique de societe en commandite par actions, dont le capital est divise entre les associes commandites, qui ont la qualite de commercant et repondent indefiniment et solidairement des dettes sociales ainsi que les associes commanditaires, qui ont la qualite d'actionnaires dont la responsabilite est limitee au montant de leurs apports respectifs.
class="Magazinebodytextspan xml:lang="EN-GBBut you dont say anything because hes being so nice to you.
le directeur de lae1/4aoAADL, Mohamed Rouba a dae1/4aoailleurs annoncUu[c] que concernant lae1/4aoADDL 1 , il a Uu[c]tUu[c] enregistrUu[c] 14 000 recours, dont 8893 ont Uu[c]tUu[c] approuvUu[c]s, 3091 rejetUu[c]s et 2000 font lae1/4aoobjet de traitement sous rUu[c]serve.
But while proximity to Monroe or Welles has wide cache, Grahame is less of a household name and the close-up offered by "Film Stars Dont Die in Liverpool" is far removed from her heyday.
Les assaillants ont utilise plusieurs types d'armes dont notamment les RPG qui ont fait pour la premiere fois leur apparition a Jebel Chammbi.